Just Checking Out My Fall & Winter Wardrobe!
I changed out my Summer wardrobe for my Fall and Winter wardrobe a couple of weeks ago, which is a good indicator that Summer will continue for a few more weeks.
The best wardrobe, regardless of the season is Proverbs 31:25: ‘“She is CLOTHED with strength and dignity and she laughs without fear of the future!” That whole 31st chapter is notably called by many as the Proverbs 31 Woman. That gal is a tough cookie and trying to live up to her standards sure seems like a lofty goal. But her example wouldn’t be in the Bible, were it not a message God wanted to get through to us.
I know some amazing “Bible” women of today who wear those clothes of strength and dignity. One is a beautiful friend who is battling cancer and has lost all of her hair. She wears the most attractive scarves, hats and wigs, but most beautiful is the strength and dignity she displays in the midst of her daily struggle to survive another day.
I have another friend whose two children were at those ages when they were able to take care of themselves – dressing, grabbing their own meals — if need be, getting up for school, handling their homework etc. But, then a relative could no longer care for his two young children – one still in diapers. My friend’s heart couldn’t abandon them. Her world came to a screeching halt, to love as her own, provide and care for these two young children – who have many needs. Yet, she is a Proverbs 31 woman who is clothed with strength and dignity and she praises God for the opportunity to care for those two precious children that brought on many new responsibilities and changes for their household.
That scripture in Proverbs rings loud and clear to all of us women! First of all….our daily clothing attire should first, and foremost, be that strength and dignity that only comes through trusting God and His Word, and that comes from spending time with Him. When life seems unbearable and we are surprised with an upheaval in our plans, it’s time to steal away and go to our Wardrobe Prayer Closet where the Strength BEARER and Strength GIVER is waiting to dress us for success. Oh, we know that “Dress for Success” is a slogan that encourages people to find confidence and to build up their self esteem by looking professional. But we can be “dressed to the nines” (perfection on the outside), but be completely a wreck on the inside.
Our strength, dignity and power doesn’t not come from what we wear or how much we can accomplish in one day. It flows out of our relationship with our Heavenly Father.
How often do we get all flustered by the have to’s and are loaded up to the point of exhaustion? How often do we get so busy running around doing things FOR God, that we forget to spend time WITH God? The oftentimes-overwhelming-tasks that face us could be handled so much better if we would spend more time putting on our “strength and dignity” ensembles, while sitting at His feet like Mary did (in our Wardrobe Prayer Closet), spending time in His Word AND in the words of the last part of verse 25, “she laughs without fear of the future!” We can laugh in the face of the enemy because we are assured that God holds our tomorrows. I think it’s time for putting on our strength and dignity outfit, because when the weight seems too heavy to bear, it will be no problem – our strength AND dignity that comes from His wardrobe department — will help us not just handle it, but to laugh our way through it.
That “strength and dignity” outfit sure looks good on you!! It’s just the right fit!