Just Thought I’d Give You a Heads Up!

Just Thought I’d Give You a Heads Up!

August 25, 2022 Off By Donna Wuerch

Tomorrow is my birthday. Not telling you that because I want your praise or presents. The dreams I had in my teens have come to pass. I don’t have to go to school or work. I get an allowance every month. I have my own pad. I don’t have a curfew. I have a driver’s license and my own car. The people I hang around with are not scared of getting pregnant and I don’t have acne.

Life is great. When I was a child, I thought “nap time” was a punishment. Now it feels like a small vacation. I don’t have gray hair. I have “wisdom highlights”! I’m very wise.

Of course, I talk to myself. Sometimes I need expert advice. At my age “getting lucky” means walking into a room and remembering what I came in there for. That really is so true!

I said all that in jest. In all seriousness, tomorrow I get to be one-year-older! I used to count the very long days until it was my birthday. Today, the days go by so fast, I can’t even count them.

I still maintain that I’m not getting older – I’m getting better. Better, as in a fine wine. I get better with age. AND the best is yet to come.

There are people who shy away from celebrating another birthday. Not me. I celebrate another year to talk about Jesus; another year closer to seeing Him face to face; another year to make every moment count; another year to be a light in the darkness; another year to love, to be full of joy, to count the blessing of waking up, getting up and being grateful to enjoy God’s abundance to me.

What if today were my last day on this earth? I would do exactly what I am doing right now. I would make my bed. Yes, I am one of those creatures of habit. I would post my blog telling my readers about God’s goodness, mercy, and grace. I’d send a text message that is filled with love to my four children; another text message to my six grands telling them how they are my treasures. I’d have a little talk with Jesus about this or that. I’d read His Word. I’d play the daily Wordle game. I’d log onto Duolingo and practice my Spanish. And, some days, I serve at church, at the food pantry and thrift store, and speak at various groups and Bible studies.

I would make sure my complaining is less and my praising is more; that my hang-ups are only those clothes that I don’t want to shrink after I wash them. I would take my vitamins and supplements to give me that extra boost to live strong as long as I am here. In the meantime, I’m not giving up UNTIL I’m taken up.

So, HAPPY BIRTHDAY Eve to me! See you tomorrow – if God be willing and the creek don’t rise! Actually, with all the rain we’ve been having…..the creek just might be rising to the top! And, if that be the case, I’ll row my boat gently and merrily down the stream. Life is so much more than a dream! It is my moment and your moment to dance in the rain and in the sunshine! In the words of Mark Twain….”Dance like nobody’s looking.”

I plan to be so distracted living life that I never realize I’m getting older! If I’m not dead, I’m not done! So, I’m going to keep learning so I stay young! Thanks for the advice, Henry Ford!