Keep Doing Good — Harvest Time Up Ahead!
This blog today is inspired by my DEAR son, Larry, and his new John DEERE tractor. Larry is a do-gooder by nature (the “goods” are beyond numbering for this blog). So, what does God do, but give him the desire of his heart, his tractor. This blog was also inspired by my good friend and mentor, St. Paul. His words are filled with hope for those of us who have been on the “do-good” tractor, sowing aka planting….a lot! We’ve wondered if it has been worth it and if we’ll ever reap our harvest. But then comes Paul’s fiery voice cheering us on: “And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.” (Galatians 6:9)
It has been a tough row to hoe (speaking in planting and reaping terms) the last couple of years. Maybe we’ve gritted our teeth to stay kind and to bear it all. Or we shut our eyes and put ear plugs in to deafen the harshness of the loud voices of the enemy. We may read these words and relate them to gnarly stuff going on in our families right now. But let’s hold on! We’re still standing, somewhat stunned, but we’re still here. It’s in times like these that retreat sounds the safest way to handle it all. Let’s stay home, lock the doors, bar the windows, and disconnect the doorbell. It seems tempting to safeguard our hearts by taking them out and sticking them in a steel encased safe, then forget the combination.
But then, our tried, tested, and proven faithful warrior friend, St. Paul — who suffered great physical pain, was imprisoned, mocked, shipwrecked, and beaten for his faith — speaks again as an invitation: “Let us not grow weary of doing good.” These words bring tears to my eyes. It’s in this deeper, invisible place that sees the best in people, that reaches out in love, that keeps believing folks can change. This sort of hope has taken a beating lately. As I type this blog, I talk to God about it. He replies: “I understand.”
He knows what it is to love and love. We hear the words of St. Paul again: “Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” (Hebrews 12:2) Fixing our eyes on Jesus changes everything. Perhaps we are disillusioned these days because we have been looking at each other. And we, mere humans, always fall short. We disappoint. We cave. But not Jesus.
So, what do we do? We suit up and keep doing good — like Jesus. He is the reason we can stay in the race. Take the next step. Keep going. Keep believing. Most of all, keep loving. The safest place for our hearts is entrusting them to the One who for the joy set before Him, endured the cross. The One who does not grow weary. The One who, in the middle of all the noise and chaos and even danger, will never allow our hearts to be lost.
So, what do we do? We come down from our “crosses” and we keep doing good. Harvest time is up ahead. I’m borrowing Larry’s John Deere tractor. I’ll need it because I’m not quitting. I’m going to love even more and expect to reap a mammoth harvest! How about you? Maybe you should borrow Larry’s tractor to reap your harvest, too!!