Keep On Keeping On

Keep On Keeping On

November 16, 2022 Off By Donna Wuerch

This precious man’s photo is my inspiration for today. Just a month ago, yesterday, his Mama joined him in heaven. What a celebration that must have been! Heaven is a wonderful place. It seems to get sweeter every time I hear of someone’s loved one getting to go there.

Faith & Grief support groups serve and help people who suffer the passing of a loved one and struggle to move on. The words “move on” are never used. “Move on” denotes “forgetting the past and getting over the loss”.

The passing of a loved one and the living of the remaining ones is better said “Keep on keeping on!” I embrace those words because I was given an assignment by God at my birth, and it is MY assignment until I get to “go home” to heaven.

My best friend, husband, lover, sweetheart, and my kids’ beloved father and papa went to his home in heaven this day twelve years ago. I celebrate his life by living mine. I’ve spent the last twelve years of my life, evolving, and growing. It is my legacy to a man who loved and lived life in his God-given purpose on purpose. He was always KEEPING ON.

Most importantly, at 12 years post his graduation, I know I’m carrying on our legacy. If one person decides to live a beautiful life because I share my journey, then my Ron lives on. That’s our collective gift to this world.

KEEP ON keeping on living with audacious and relentless faith. Ron would tell you to live like there is no tomorrow. I invite you to live because I know firsthand it’s the best choice for anyone who grieves and can’t seem to keep on going. We can’t bring them back, but we can honor all they were by being and doing all we can.

Go live. You are still here for a reason. Take in the view. Live for others and bring them along with you to heaven. I tell you this because Ron taught me to keep on keeping on – no matter the storms or circumstances, no matter the bumps or bruises — all because of the cross of Jesus and His resurrection that we can keep on, keeping on.

Today, it is 12 years since I kissed him. It’s been 12 years since I’ve seen him hug our children and grandchildren. It’s been 12 years since I’ve heard him say, “I love you.” But, because I keep on keeping on, it’s been 12 years of personal growth and living daily with determination and purpose. It’s been 12 years of new adventures – new places – new mission and new people I’ve come to love. It’s been 12 years of learning to love myself enough to take care of myself.

I’ve moved forward boldly while honoring my past. I still miss that man. He will forever have a special place in my heart and the hearts of my family. Twelve years ago, I didn’t know what my future would look like without this larger-than-life man in my life. What I didn’t know is that my life didn’t end. It had just begun.

Everything I am. Everything I’ve learned. Every part of my heart and soul is better today than it was twelve years ago. His leaving was my opportunity to make ME so much better. I didn’t die on November 16th, 2010. I’m thankful that I realized I am still here for a reason.

And YOU? No matter what you’re going through — you can survive it. Take baby steps. Listen to your heart. Remember to live.

I promise that you are strong, brave, and capable of anything. How do I know that? Because you have made it this far. The sun came up on this day so we can face this day with the goal of living and loving this life with all that is in us.

Let’s keep on keeping on for everyone who no longer can.