Kindness takes the Higher Ground

Kindness takes the Higher Ground

May 10, 2023 Off By Donna Wuerch

Yesterday, after I finished my blog and posted it about how our words matter, I read this email from a ministry. It is the icing on “yesterday’s” cake (aka blog).

“I call you, My people, to be kind to one another. The world is filled with selfishness and hatred. But you belong to Me and not to the world. When you become one with Me, your attitudes will reflect My heart and not yours. And the fruit of My Spirit will be evident in all that you are and all that you do, says the Lord.”

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, KINDNESS, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such, there is no law.” Galatians 5:22-23

Those words pack a punch, don’t they? I reeled them into my heart — hopefully, to stay there, germinate and then produce a bumper crop of those fruit – especially the “kindness” fruit. That’s the fruit I needed when I had heard too much irritating smack talk and proceeded to “shush” that person with fingers to my mouth. It wasn’t well-taken!

Eventually, I realized the enemy had set me up. Those are his tactics – it’s not just one little incident, but incidents — multiplied. He is such a loser that he doesn’t get that those of us who are the blood-bought, filled-with-the-Holy Spirit, strivers to improve our love-walk daily – recognize him.

We take that nonsense long enough and, in my case, I turn it into a blog that teaches a better way – God’s way of handling opposition. You messed with the wrong girl, devil!

I love this quote Joyce Meyer says about herself: “Each morning, before getting out of bed, I pray that I will love and be kind to everyone today. But then I get up and encounter people!” That hits home. I live by myself so, really, I should be okay, but then again, I know myself enough that I need to stay on guard for myself to keep ME out of trouble!

If anyone should speak on behalf of staying in tune with the Holy Spirit, it’s the Apostle Paul. He wrote these words: “Ask God to bless those who persecute you — yes, ask Him to bless, not to curse”. (Romans 12:14). We all have people in our lives that require extra grace from us. They annoy, anger, frustrate, and test us. But they also help us grow.

God calls us to demonstrate mercy and kindness to everyone — even those who cause us the most trouble. And being Spirit-led people who have the fruit of the Spirit in us, we just get “kindness” out of the fruit basket and refuse to be offended. Most of all, we purpose to always take the higher ground. Proof positive of being fruit bearers!

When we take the high ground, we can see past the behavior of others. When we take the high ground, we rise above irritation and the conflict and choose to live in peace and to be loving and kind fruit bearers.

President Ronald Reagan said it well: “Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly, leave the rest to God.”’