Let Me Entertain You
Have you ever found yourself hosting a pity party with thoughts that make you feel less than stellar? Oh, I’ve been there — serving up a buffet of self-doubt and fear, all while the enemy hums along to that old Broadway tune, “Let me entertain you!”
That’s right, those self-defeating thoughts are not just annoying guests; they’re the life of the party for our inner critic.
Now, I wasn’t born yesterday (or even last night, for that matter). I catch on pretty quick. When a rogue thought crashes my mental party, I’ve learned to ask, “Where did THAT come from?” It’s crucial because the source of a thought really determines its destination. If it’s leading me away from my God-given purpose, then it’s on the wrong train.
St. Paul had the right idea when he said, “We take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ” (2 Corinthians 10:5). This isn’t just good advice — t’s a battle strategy against the enemy’s lies.
Imagine having a bouncer at the door of our minds, someone tough on the negative vibes, tossing them out on their ear before they even step foot inside. Well, guess what? We have Someone even better — our internal bouncer who’s always on duty.
Let me share a quick story. Many years ago, we knew a generous store owner who gave us stunning discounts on shoes. We’d walk out with bags full of name-brand shoes for just a few bucks each, feeling like we’d hit the jackpot every single time.
This reminds me of the unbeatable deal we have with God. Inside us, we have a powerhouse far greater than any discount — God Himself. He’s ready to lead us to places filled with peace, joy, love, hope, and mercy. In God’s presence, there’s no room for darkness, despair, or doubt.
Controlling the purity of other people’s hearts? That’s out of my pay grade. But letting God purify my own heart and mind? That’s on the to-do list. Keeping out negative thoughts might seem like a Herculean task, but remember, “With God all things are possible” (Matthew 19:26).
So, the next time you catch yourself entertaining those not-so-helpful thoughts, why not switch the channel? Replace them with thoughts of possibility, joy, and gratitude. If we focus on the Beatitudes and strive to be pure in heart, we see the good in ourselves, wish the best for others, and bring positivity into the world.
I know Someone on the inside — He’s the peacemaker, the chain breaker, the life-changer, and the ultimate good-provider. I’ll stick with Him as my main Entertainer. How about you?