Let’s Eliminate “Just a” From Our Vocabulary!
I asked a young woman what she did for a living and she responded: “Oh, I’m just a stay-at-home Mom.” I quickly corrected her “You are NOT “just an” anything. You are so blessed to be able to be in a position of the highest honor and status. You are the royal queen of your household, and your subjects are indeed so fortunate to live in your kingdom.”
The truth is I have yet to meet a mother who is “just a mother.” The mothers I know are teachers, confidantes, entrepreneurs, designers, chauffeurs, administrative geniuses, counselors, domestic engineers and so many other titles. The mothers I know are brilliant, strong, gifted, artistic, wisdom-filled, optimistic, forward-thinking, and can-do-anything women.
Though he’s been relieved of his many animal duties at their ranch in Spanish Oaks since the family sold their 13 acres, my now 15-year-old grandson was not just an 11-year-old kid when he was responsible for 32 animals (donkeys, longhorn, goats, chickens, ducks and a dog). It looked like he was “just a kid”. But not so. He fed, watered, cleaned their barn, the yards, the pens, and chicken coops. He responded to his duties and responsibilities with absolute vigor and delight. He wasn’t “JUST A…..”.
And here’s some additional truth….no matter what our age, title, our role, or what our job description says, there is no such thing as “just a yard man, or just a store cashier or just a volunteer or just an anything. As a matter of fact, I think “I am just a…..” is a phrase we need to eliminate from our vocabulary altogether. As part of God’s family, there is no such thing as “just a.” Let’s look at some of our ancestors:
~ David could have said he was “just a shepherd boy.” But he didn’t. He grabbed five smooth stones and slew a giant.
~ Paul could have said he was “just a tentmaker.” But he didn’t. He carried the gospel into the world, spreading it like wildfire and writing over a third of the New Testament.
~ Mary could have said she was “just a teenage girl” from the wrong side of the tracks. But she didn’t. Nine months later, she gave birth to our Savior.
God could have said He was “just a creator”. But He didn’t. He could have carelessly thrown the stars into place and tossed the world into space, but He didn’t. Our God created, designed, and purposefully placed you and me here on this earth, at this time for purposes beyond what our eyes can see or our minds can conceive.
Matthew West wrote the song: “Hello…My Name is…..” which sets the record straight that we are not a “just a” in any way. He says it like this:
Hello, my name is child of the One true King
I’ve been saved, I’ve been changed, I have been set free
Amazing grace is the song I sing
Hello, my name is child of the one true King
God had such detailed plans for our existence that He gave us His best GIFT, His Son, and with His Son, He gave us everything we need to be people of the highest status. We are royalty and “our kind” raise our heads up high, put our shoulders back and stand tall. We are blood-bought Children of Almighty God, and I suggest that’s way more than a “just a”!