Let’s Talk About Going Home
I write this blog today after attending a group meeting that included a yummy Mexican lunch! Was it the dying part that enticed me to go to the meeting or was it the free lunch? Maybe both. At our ripe ages, it is incumbent upon us to consider “What’s Next?” – at least regarding helping our children manage our passing.
At the last several funerals aka memorial services we have attended, each of the deceased were cremated. No caskets, but lots of floral arrangements and many inspiring and encouraging words said about the one we were celebrating.
I am not debating with anyone on what choices they are making to ensure what happens to them once they depart earth. But, forward thinking, I wanted to know more about cremation.
The Neptune’s Society meeting helped us explore the options. Let’s face it – no one is exempt from death – well, except for Jesus – Who lives on for you and me!
A lot of people fear death but here’s some good news: Jesus saved us from fear of anything – including the power and fear of death. John 19:30 says, as Jesus died on the cross, He shouted, “It is finished!” It was His battle cry as a victorious conqueror. It meant, “I have defeated death. I have proven that you don’t have to be afraid of death, because I’m going to come back to life. I am the Resurrection, and you can be resurrected by believing in me. Death is not the end. You don’t have to fear it anymore!”
I may have put extra words into Jesus’ mouth in that last paragraph, but if we read scriptures, time and again, Jesus told us He would be our Resurrection and Life!
Because Jesus died on the cross in our place, we should not be afraid. Death holds no power over those of us Who know Jesus personally. Death is simply a transfer because we know where we’re going when we die. If death is scary and overwhelming to think about for you, then I encourage you to trust Jesus to be your Lord, Savior, YOUR resurrection, and your life.
When we become Christians, we stake our claim on it by being baptized. Baptism symbolizes our confidence that we have died to sin and raised to new life. Others are watching us. We can live our life of faith by showing others we are confident in being resurrected one day to be with Jesus forever.
We’ve been raised to live a new life with the best news ever – eternity with our Lord. That’s the best thing to ever happen to us. Now we can live our lives, doing our best, to give others the assurance of heaven, too!
Max Lucado says this: “Death seems like such a dead end. Until we read Jesus’ resurrection story.” Matthew 28:6 says, “He is not here. He has risen from the dead as He said He would.”
Thank you, Lord, for saving our souls. No matter what our last days on earth look like, our best days are up ahead in our home sweet home in heaven. “What a day that will be when our Jesus we will see! When we look upon His face, the One Who saved us by His grace. When He takes us by the hand and leads us to the Promised Land. What a day, glorious day that will be!”