Letting Our Christmas Joy Be About the Joy-Giver
Here we are – smack dab in the middle of Christmas time – only 13 more days until the presents are all unwrapped, we’re eating our Christmas breakfast and some of us are singing “Happy Birthday, Jesus”!
When I was a very young child, I was taught, like many children, that Christmas Eve was special because Santa was coming and would leave me my heart’s desire. I was told to fall asleep quickly so he would come. On Christmas morning, I bounded out of bed to see what Santa brought me. I loved Santa. After all, he loved me whether I was bad or good AND he left me presents. The most important part of Christmas was Santa and the presents. So, bring on jolly old Santa, adorned in red and white, and, oh, so joyous! I can understand how that notion is what is most attractive to the world. Shiny objects. Christmas trees. Twinkling lights. Reindeer. Mistletoe. Jingle bells.

Then there is the story of baby Jesus. I loved being in the kids’ Christmas program at church and singing Christmas songs. My parents were adamant I knew that baby Jesus is the Savior of the world. But honestly, from a child’s perspective, everything about the Christmas story seemed so dingy, gray, brown, and so sad. Little baby Jesus was born in a smelly stable because there was no room at the inn. We sang: “Away in a manger, no crib for a bed” So, where’s the joy in that, God? Then, Herod ordered babies killed. Mary and Joseph fled with Jesus to Egypt for protection. How joyous is that? God knew everything but still let that happen. So, children and adults who don’t know the true meaning of Christmas, find their joy partying it up with the jolly old soul, Santa Claus, and all the other tinsel and glittery attractions of Christmas.
Perhaps that’s why the world has trouble with the Christmas Story – because it seems to stop at the smelly stable. People don’t grasp that it was EVERYTHING. Now, that I’m older and wiser and have grown in intimacy with Jesus (now, my go-to for breath and life and peace and joy), I can see clearly where the bright lights should shine. The Santa, though he is a jolly old soul, is simply a temporary joy. Joy isn’t found in temporary things – nor in a season. The joy that brings total fulfillment and satisfaction is only found in the ONE Who came down from heaven’s glories to become a baby (like you and me). He Who was born in that smelly stable is He Who will never leave us or forsake us. Joy, real joy, everlasting joy! It’s time we put the main emphasis on God and thank Him for His indescribable gift. True joy isn’t found in anything or anyone but Him.
As Christmas approaches, let’s ask the Lord to order our steps to make the MAIN thing — the Jesus King. May we be on purpose in explaining the Christmas story to our children so they know the true JOY of Christmas is only found in Jesus. Let’s prioritize taking time for Him first, then step by step, do what brings Him joy each day – being a blessing to others, filling our hearts and homes with His presence and shining our lights on THE LIGHT of the world.
“Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!” 2 Corinthians 9:15