Tag: light of the world

Lights, Shine Bright!

Aw! The Corn Moon aka the Harvest Moon aka the Super Moon! What a beautiful sight to behold! We have been in awe of its beauty the last few nights! Didn’t our Creator provide us with so much entertainment with His majestic and artistic abilities? LOOKING UP to the night sky and seeing this moon…

By Donna Wuerch Noble September 19, 2024 0

Who Do You Think You Are?

When Jesus spoke to the people, He boldly declared, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life.” (John 8:12). Jesus was defining Himself when He said those words. Throughout the Bible, Jesus consistently described who He was: the door, the bread…

By Donna Wuerch Noble July 23, 2024 Off

May the 4th Be With You

Happy 4th Sunday of Advent and Happy Christmas Eve! We can join many others who will attend church today to breathe in what all this decorating, baking, shopping, partying, and having family and friend get togethers has been all about. It is unusual for Christmas Eve to fall on a Sunday. We are making the…

By Donna Wuerch Noble December 24, 2023 Off

I’m Getting Corny

Yummy corn on the cob! A corn on my toe! Yikes! Time for candy corn! Let’s pop some popcorn! It doesn’t get cornier than this! You might notice I can get mighty corny — and today is one of those days! This is a good morning news alert! The Full Corn Moon aka Harvest Moon…

By Donna Wuerch Noble September 28, 2023 Off

Our Identity is Clear

My dear friends and colleagues, Jolene Boyer and Gerald Boyer, gave a most delightful “Ice Cream Sundaes on Sunday” wedding celebration for us. I volunteer with them at the Vincentian Family Center here in Austin.  Several other co-workers were also at this yummy and lovely celebration and it blessed Carl and me so much. We…

By Donna Wuerch Noble September 13, 2023 Off

Sunflowers Follow the Sun

Happy first day of August! I took down my July 4th patriotic décor on July 21st. I was ready to display my sunflowers vignette because August is the sunflowers’ time to flourish! Sunflowers captured my attention for this blog today! They are beautiful examples of God’s handiwork. They can reach upwards of 10 feet, with…

By Donna Wuerch Noble August 1, 2023 Off

Dark Valleys Produce Amazing Views from the Mountaintops

I have dear friends who are in some dark valleys right now. Unexpected life alterations are happening. One friend was already facing cancer and about to start treatments, when her medical team found a brain tumor that must be removed first. The surgery is next week. Another friend is going through all the heart-wrenching processes…

By Donna Wuerch Noble March 16, 2022 Off