Life is like a Camera

Life is like a Camera

July 3, 2024 Off By Donna Wuerch Noble

At our Noble Family Reunion a couple of weeks ago, one of the cousins’ husband, Joe Randle, was our official photographer. He didn’t miss a minute. He was on purpose as he randomly took shots of the children, of family members laughing their hearts out, and many other precious moments.

He is making photo albums for all the family members. I’m sure he is disregarding a lot of those photos and only using the best ones.

Life is like a camera. We’ve come a long way, Baby, since most of us used an instant Polaroid camera or, for that matter, a long time since we took photos on a camera that held a roll of film. We had to take the film into a photo lab to be developed.

Most of us have become pro-photographers just by using our cell phone to take instantaneous photos that capture precious moments. Just as our cameras have different settings and focuses, our lives have various seasons and perspectives.

First, let’s consider the focus. A camera allows us to choose what’s sharp and clear, just like in life, we must decide where to place our attention. Are we focusing on the positives or the negatives?

When we adjust our lens, maybe we’ll bring into view the beauty around us. Maybe we’ve been focusing on the negative stuff instead of changing our perspective that can reveal new solutions and opportunities.

I have found that lighting is crucial. You should see me maneuvering my camera to be in just the right light. Lighting is crucial in photography, and it’s the same with our experiences.

Sometimes, overwhelming shadows loom around us. But hold it right there – that’s when we bring on THE LIGHT! In John 8:12, Jesus said, “I am the LIGHT of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness but will have the LIGHT of life!”

So, let’s keep our focus on what matters, keep our perspective fresh and ensure our hearts are open to THE LIGHT! Sometimes, the photos come out blurry or not as we hoped, but that’s okay. We learn from those moments, adjust our focus, and try again.

Life is a series of snapshots – some clear, some not so much. But each one is a part of our story, a testament to our resilience, determination, and hope. Let’s keep taking pictures, throw out the bad ones, and be excited for the picture-perfect ones!

“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28