Like a Dove

Like a Dove

June 30, 2022 Off By Donna Wuerch

I read Psalm 55:6 “Oh, that I had the wings of a dove! I would fly away and be at rest.” That reading took me back to Frisco, TX and the mama dove who nested above my fireplace vent. When I realized she had made her family’s home there, she already had two eggs. Soon there were two little hungry “dovettes”. The fulfillment of her preparations, waiting and anticipating, was realized.

Pure sweetness. I knew my time was limited on keeping a watchful eye on that little dove family. Before long she taught them about those “wings of a dove” and they flew away. Sometimes we echo the words of that verse, don’t we? Just to be able to fly away from our concerns and responsibilities. Just to be able to move on to a new place that is care-free.

That mama dove taught me many lessons about staying calm in the storm. Like when my family came over to barbeque and power wash my porch as a Mother’s Day gift. We were like a wrecking crew, but mama dove was undisturbed, Her watchful eyes, with little concern, kept vigil on her offspring. God must hold a special love for doves because it was a dove that represented the Holy Spirit on Jesus’ as God’s beloved Son when He was baptized by John the Baptist.

Here’s what a google search says about a dove: “The dove represents peace of the deepest kind. It soothes and quiets our worried or troubled thoughts. The dove’s roles as spirit messenger, maternal symbol and liaison impart an inner peace that helps us to go about our lives calmly and with purpose.” That explanation clearly goes along with the words in Isaiah 26:3 “Him I will keep in perfect peace whose mind is stayed upon Me.” That mama dove was in that perfect peace.

In this world we live in, we have plenty to be concerned about. It is no different than what Jesus and His disciples faced. He cautioned His disciples, men who were heading out to spread good news to the world, that they were doing dangerous work. He said, “Behold, I send you out as sheep amid wolves. Therefore, be wise as serpents and HARMLESS AS DOVES.” (Matthew 10:16)

To be wise like a serpent means to have keen discernment, and a capacity for sound judgment in dealing with people, situations, AND the enemy of our souls. To discern means to detect with the eyes and our other senses. It also means to read character or motives. Somehow, I think that mama dove had that discernment. She heard my soft voice each morning and she knew I (and my family) meant her no harm.

A dove is a bird of peace whose temperament is calm and sweet. Doves are harmless and wise. Yes, in this life, we will run into some times of anxiety and concern when we would like to “take wing” and fly away to escape it all. But God is all about giving us the tools to make it in a crazy world like the one we live in.

Those words about being wise as serpents and harmless as doves are wisdom for our peace and success. Wise to detect and avoid danger, while living in sweet peace, gentleness, kindness, and innocence. Be wise and harmless like the mama dove watching over her babies, Psalm 121:8 says “The LORD keeps watch over you as you come and go, both now and forever.” Whether we fly away from it all or we stay put, what blessed assurance it is that our Father sees and knows what’s up ahead. Come on, my friends. Let’s settle on our perch and know the peace of a dove that comes from our Father above!

“On the wings of a snow white dove, He sends His pure sweet love – the sign from above – on the wings of a dove!”