Little Ways Prep Us for Big Wins

Little Ways Prep Us for Big Wins

February 10, 2022 Off By Donna Wuerch

After months of what seems to be “little” accomplishments, part of me longs to hear about some of God’s BIG ways – BIG wins – BIG worthwhile news – BIG discoveries like a cure for Covid. But, I’ve learned God seems to work best in the “littles”.

Just think about the “littles” that God used to make something big. Like, making the first man out of LITTLE dust. Like the LITTLE boy with the LITTLE lunch that fed over 5,000. Like the LITTLE shepherd boy, David, who slew the giant with a LITTLE stone and sling and conquered the Philistine army. And, then there’s Gideon who was the “smallest” in the “least” clan who saved an entire nation. He started with an army of 24,000 and God required him to reduce it to a LITTLE army of 300. God likes LITTLE.

Saint Thérèse de Lisieux said: “Miss no single opportunity of making some small sacrifice, here by a smiling look, there by a kindly word; always doing the smallest right and doing it all for love.” She was known for serving God in such beautiful, “little ways”. In this “3rd act of my play”, I find myself doing many “little things” in “little ways” to serve God — with NO pressure for having to do the big ways!
One of my “little ways” is this blog each day, desiring to spread good news. I am very aware that when I point one finger out to my readers, there are four pointing back at me, so I better practice what I preach! I’m not tooting my own horn or seeking an “atta girl”! But, how can I give action words without action on my part?

Here are some of my “little ways” in the last few days. Tuesday night, I stepped up and volunteered at my grandson’s baseball game and took tickets from attenders at the gate AND I manned the concession stand. I showed a friend how to set up a Facebook account and then join our community group. I gave words of encouragement to a friend whose husband passed away a few months ago. By snail mail, sent a card to another friend. Attended a beautiful celebration of life and loved on my dear friend whose husband passed away a few days ago. I called and encouraged a friend. I made cookies and shared them with neighbors. No real life-altering little ways, but simply showing up to do what I can.

Here’s my motive for today’s blog. We need to take the lid off of LITTLE. Yes, God likes LITTLE. He sent His beloved Son to earth as a LITTLE baby and changed everything about life, death, eternity and giving the hope for mankind of never perishing and living with Him forever if we believe in Him. Now, that’s what I call BIG!

And, that little Baby Boy grew up and said, “All it takes is a LITTLE mustard seed of faith to move mountains.” Yes, God specializes in making BIG out of LITTLES. He told the “little children” to come to Him. He directed the disciples to get a “little” coin out of a fish’s mouth to pay their taxes. Quite frankly, LITTLE is MUCH when God is in it. Yes, LITTLE is much when we follow Christ’s example. We’ll find that LITTLE ways pay off in BIG dividends. What will be your LITTLE today?