Lord! Please Give Me a Sign!

 Lord! Please Give Me a Sign!

September 10, 2022 Off By Donna Wuerch

Lord! Please Give Me a Sign!
Do you suppose this truck driver was so caught up in his prayers asking God to give him a sign if he should quit the trucking business, that he didn’t consider how high his semi-trailer was? I saw this photo on a friend’s FB page and I knew a blog was coming! It MUST be “a sign” from God that I should blog about “signs from God”! Ha!

“Signs” have come vividly to me — like when my home in Tulsa sold without me trying to sell it. And, I’ll never forget “the sign” that God was with us when we were really struggling through some rough times. Our daughter, still living at home with us then, went around the house putting up post-it notes that said, “Expect a Miracle”. Everywhere we turned – mirrors, on the refrigerator, on closet doors, etc., were those words!

Those notes caused us to “expect”! Before long, when my husband and I were having morning devotions together, he shouted: “Look!” He pointed to our large painting on the wall of a seagull taking flight over the ocean. But his “LOOK!” was the rainbow on the sky.

The rainbow was cast from a crystal prism on a lamp. We knew God was giving us a SIGN! AND, before long – our prayers were answered. In fact, it was a miracle blessing! God called it a SIGN with a rainbox when He vowed to Noah that He would never again wipe out all life and destroy the earth with a flood.

Have you ever just thrown your hands up in desperation, frustration, or confusion, pleading, “God, please give me a sign if you’re there!” In my thoughts and actions, I know I have.

Maybe we don’t understand why God would let us go through something that hurts so much. And, to ask for “a sign” might make us feel guilty that we’re asking the Creator of the universe to prove He’s listening to us. Do I truly trust God if I have questions? Do I believe God is sovereign if I’m feeling scared?

The Bible is clear. Having faith is a MUST! We are told to trust in the Lord with all our hearts (Proverbs 3:5). And, 2 Corinthians 5:7 says, “ We walk by faith, not by sight.” Faith is a crucial part of our relationship with God, yet we still have questions.

But, having questions and needing reassurance isn’t always a sign that we lack faith. In fact, we know God used “signs”. In Luke 2:12, we read the account of the angels appearing to the shepherds and saying: “And this will be the SIGN to you: You will find a Babe wrapped in swaddling cloths, lying in a manger.”

How often do we ask for proof before agreeing to do something? Like with our children, “If you’ll finish your homework, I’ll let you go out and play!” The children’s “sign” is finishing their work.

Recently, I didn’t even ask for a “sign” or evidence, but God gave me a “sign” about taking a speaking engagement by words found in a notebook. What I’ve come to know is obedience to the Lord first is far more fruitful than expecting Him to prove anything to us.

We may not understand why this or that is going on in our lives, but we must remember that God’s plans for us are for our good (Jeremiah 29:11) and for our victory.

Sometimes life is scary, and it may be difficult to find peace in the unknown. It doesn’t mean we can’t ask questions or feel dismayed, but it does mean we need to trust and obey while we wait for the Lord’s perfect timing.

It’s okay to humbly ask God for reassurance as we are actively obedient in “the wait”. God loves us. He cares for us. It’s okay to ask for a sign, but just in case there isn’t one, still God loves us, He cares for us, and His plan will come in His perfect timing with a perfect plan.