Love is in the Air
This is the first day of February and it’s the “Love Month”! Oh, how I anticipated February 14th in my younger school-days. I had diligently AND carefully designed my Valentines’ shoe box. I could hardly wait to slide my cards into my friends’ boxes. It was also the day that we could devour yummy cupcakes, baked by some loving and devoted moms.
We all know that February is mostly dedicated to lovers and romantic relationships. But why don’t we take it up a notch and determine that February is a LOVE month for all those around us?
Sometimes we get so caught up in our daily routines, we forget to let those close to us know how much we love and appreciate them. There’s nothing more important than letting people know how much they mean to us.
So, why not let this be a LOVE month with everyone we encounter? Love is as simple as smiling at someone walking toward us, in front or behind us in the checkout line or standing next to us in an elevator. And, if they smile back at us, let’s imagine them saying “I love you” back to us. That silent exchange may transform their day AND our day.
So, since February is the month for love, how about we make a commitment to give our love away in a phone call, a love letter, text message or email to those who inspire us, support us, assist us, care for us, love us, pray for us, protect us, laugh with us and cry with us. Let’s pour on the love this month!
I’m going to get the love “ball” rolling and make a shout out to my social media friends and family by saying: “I LOVE YOU! You make my world a better place. You put a smile on my face, and you give me many reasons to keep on going strong! May you know God’s love in tangible and beautiful ways…not just this month, but always!”
I can’t end this blog just yet! The topper to any love story we could ever profess, is God’s Love Story that taught us what true love looks like.
“For God SO LOVED the world that He gave His only begotten Son; that whoever believes in Him, will not perish, but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16) Don’t tell me you don’t have a love story, because you do! One that surpasses any other! Won’t you let Him love you with His overwhelming, never-ending love?
1 John 4:7 “Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God.”