Making the First Move
Peacekeeping is easy if we live on an island by ourselves. No one to challenge us, argue with us, or stress us. But bring on people of different persuasions, upbringing, and personalities — peacekeeping can be a difficult task.
Adam and Eve had no problems at all when they were first created. Peacekeeping was a cinch. All their needs were supplied. The animals behaved. Their food was supplied.
All they had to do was keep the peace. BUT — soon their peacekeeping failed when they succumbed to the liar, the Evil One and the rest is history and good-bye peace.
But, many generations later, thanks to Jesus and His incredible sacrifice, we have learned how to remain in His peace that passes understanding — especially when we honor and respect Him as beloved “good” children who purpose to please our Father.
It is one thing to maintain peace aka being peacekeepers. It is something else to be peacemakers. Peacemakers dive right into resolving conflicts and mending relationships.
We need more peacemakers in this world – and that means you and me! The Bible promises, “Those who are peacemakers will plant seeds of peace and reap a harvest of goodness.” (James 3:18)
Years ago, I planted a lot of vegetable seeds. I’ve seen firsthand that planting just a few seeds can yield an abundant crop. The same principle applies to our actions. We plant seeds of peace, mercy, goodness, kindness and love, and our harvest of those seeds will come back to us. The same is true of planting seeds of bitterness, anger, and hate. The harvest will be returned the same way back to us.
Being a peacemaker is so rewarding and one of the most important skills we can have. Picture a heated argument. Someone must make the first move towards peace. Over the years, I’ve learned that the better person is the one who takes the initiative to resolve the conflict and make amends.
Jesus set the ultimate example by taking the first step to show us mercy. Jesus didn’t wait for us to apologize or even feel bad about our behavior – He made the first move. And He wants us to do the same. Imagine calling for Peace Summits in our homes, aiming for peace every time!
Today’s blog comes straight from God’s gentle nudge to my heart. He desires us to live in harmony with one another. “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God.” (Matthew 5:9)
Being a peacemaker means approaching conflicts with humility, not accusations. It means saying, “I apologize for anything I did or said that caused this conflict. Will you please forgive me?” If Jesus can make the first move, shouldn’t we?
So, let’s go out there and spread some peace, one small seed at a time.