Miracles Still Happen
And, the wait is worth it. Over the multi-years of my life, I have faced insurmountable times of worry, defeat, dealt with problems that couldn’t be solved, health issues that seemed hopeless, and many things that I couldn’t understand.
A miracle was needed and sometimes it felt like it was too little, too late, and throwing in the towel was my only recourse. Maybe that’s you today. You relate.
And, if you haven’t ever needed a miracle, I promise. Someday you will. And I also promise that “In due season, you will reap if you faint not!”! The entire scripture of Galatians 6:9 goes like this “Be not weary in WELL DOING, for in due season you will reap if you faint not!” Aw! Well doing!
Reaping well is conditional. “Due season” implies a span of time between planting and reaping. That means we shouldn’t be weary when we plant but don’t see immediate results. At the right time, we WILL reap! God assures us that there is a RIGHT TIME!
When we are in tough situations, we have a choice. We can wait on God’s timing and His way. Or we can take matters into our own hands and try to make a miracle happen ourselves. I love Robert Schuller’s quote: “Tough times don’t last, but tough people do!”
The truth is that miracles don’t come from the places we expect them. And they don’t come because of our own effort. Take Abraham, for example. God told Abraham he was going to have a son, and that the son would be the father of a great nation.
Abraham was nearly 100 years old, and he and his wife had no children. It would take a miracle to make it happen.
But Abraham had trouble believing God’s promise, and he didn’t wait on God to work a miracle. Instead, he took matters into his own hands and had a child with a woman who wasn’t his wife. But that wasn’t God’s plan. All along, God’s plan had been to work a miracle in Abraham’s wife, Sarah. Sarah AND Abraham tried to figure out the answer and it was the wrong answer!
The same is true for us. Our way of making things happen falls short of God’s best way! Isaiah 55:8 says, “‘My thoughts are nothing like your thoughts,’ says the Lord. ‘And my ways are far beyond anything you could imagine.”
Miracles always come in unexpected ways. I speak from experience: the financial windfall after a very long dry spell; the healing after a long and painful journey; the baby that was healed completely after a deadly diagnosis; the marriage restored when all seemed lost.
Trying to figure it out in the middle of fear isn’t the answer. But trusting God and declaring, “I don’t know how God is going to do it, but I know He WILL do it.”
In the meantime – don’t give up. Don’t give in. You’re on the brink of a miracle. God is still on His throne. Be patient! Follow the Leader! Go where He goes. Stay put when He says: “Be still and know that I am God!” (Psalm 46:10) Then simply obey and follow where God leads. And get ready for your miracle! Remember you’re not alone! God is on YOUR side!