Mothering Isn’t Meant Just for Mothers

Mothering Isn’t Meant Just for Mothers

May 12, 2023 Off By Donna Wuerch

My co-worker and I at the family center are having a little conversation about how God formed and knitted us together in our mothers’ wombs. To think that our God of the universe, the same ONE Who created the heavens, the earth, the waters, the stars, the trees, the animals — is the same ONE who, intricately and purposefully, created us. AWESOME!

We are having our heaven-to-earth moments, when a man comes over to us and as he speaks to us, tears are trinkling from his eyes. As a single father, he says, “I heard you talking about God. My son was in a car crash years ago. He hasn’t been able to communicate at all.” He pulls out his phone and shows us a video of his son in the bucket seat beside him in his car. He goes on: “Look at this video – he is starting to respond and even use hand gestures.” His son was giving the victory sign on the video.

This man is a loving, dedicated father. He reminded me of the talk that I had given the night before to an in-home prayer and praise group that enjoys a meal together then a time of praise and worship, followed by a speaker who shares.

I was asked to speak about mothers since Mother’s Day would be the next Sunday. In my preparation, I sensed strongly to also speak about “mothering” which is an action verb. It is love and care and devotion in action. While not every woman can conceive and give biological birth, women AND men can still “mother”.

Mothering is what this man does. I don’t know why he does this by himself with the daily help of caregivers, but as I see those tears and his excitement that his son is making progress, I know he “mothers”. I speak to him about his “mothering”. His tears turn to a smile on his face as he expresses gratitude to us for caring!

Mothering, for us (women and men) is using our courageous and sensible faith to accomplish God’s purposes. We can mother those who reach out to us on social media or to children who need an extra “Atta, boy! Atta, girl!” We can mother a young mother who needs advice or comfort.

We mother when we throw out a lifeline to a drowning friend, teenager, young mother, grandmother, or stranger who we notice is holding on to life for dear life. We mother because we can’t help ourselves.

God is looking for those who are wiling to “mother” and lead by example; those who can demonstrate faith in the middle of the storms and hope for tomorrow and demonstrate how to never quit.

In just a couple of days it will be Mother’s Day and we’ll acknowledge and give love and appreciation to our moms and grandmoms or to those who have been like Moms to us. But, on this day, I am thanking God for those who don’t go by a title but who step up to love, support, encourage and are there at the right time and right place to MOTHER!

If that’s you, like this wonderful dad we witnessed, THANK YOU for being one of God’s special angels and servants who are willing to “mother” others! God bless you, good and faithful servants!