Moving on Up

Moving on Up

August 27, 2024 Off By Donna Wuerch Noble

“Moving on Up” was the theme song for the hilarious TV series, “The Jefferson’s”. It featured a family who met up with prosperity and ended up living the HIGH life in a swanky “deee-luxe apartment in the sky…..”

“Moving on up” for me means I’m moving on up in age. Yikes!! Where did the years ago? BTW – thanks for yesterday’s kind words on my birthday!

Although I am genetically predisposed to living deep into my 90s (my grandmother was 99 and my mom was 94 when they passed on), I can unequivocally say that for me, longevity is not a goal to which I aspire.

I don’t want to live long as much as I want to live well. So, here’s my bucket list of sorts, the things I think will help me live well in my remaining years:

~ Stop wasting time stupid-fighting. It takes too much energy disagreeing about the right way to load the dishwasher, or which way the toilet paper roll should spin or hundreds of other insignificant issues!! It’s the stupid stuff that wears us down.

~ Quit worrying so much. Worrying is attempting to control what we can’t control. It keeps us up at night and devours hours of our day. And for what? Our worry has zero impact on anything. So, we cast our cares on God Who can do something about “our stuff”!

~ Be kinder. Being kind to people, even those who annoy us, is planting kindness seeds that may harvest kindness back to us! When we are God-lovers, we become more like Him. We become more tender-hearted, soft spoken, loving, AND kind to everyone.

~ Increase our heart capacity. I remarried last year when I was 75. My husband and I were both widowed. We found each other. And for that, I am eternally grateful. I wasn’t afraid of being alone. I knew how to fly solo but made the conscious choice not to. For us all, it may mean adding friendships to our lives.

At our ages, Carl and I realize that our forever is a lot shorter than it once was. And because of that knowledge, we try not to take what we have for granted. We wake up each day grateful for our good health, for life, for joy and laughter, for our family, and YOU!

THERE! I said it and I’m stickin’ to it! Every day is too sweet to waste. Each breath we breathe is a part of God’s plan for us. I want to make each breath count for being the best I can be for me and those I love…..from here to eternity. How about you?

“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life and have it to the full”. (John 10:10)