My All Sufficient Constant

My All Sufficient Constant

August 1, 2021 Off By Donna Wuerch

Yesterday, I was pondering about how simplified my life has become at this season of life. Up at 4:30 am, post my blog for the day, send my “love” text messages to my children, go to the fitness center to work out for an hour, come back home for coffee, breakfast, vitamins, reply to emails and text messages, work on my new blog and the graphics for tomorrow, spend time with God in my morning devotion, etc. I’ll stop there at around 9 am to spare you of the lackluster saga of my life. Believe me though – I’m in a sweet spot. God has been so good to me. It is truly a world of wonder from the overworked, overscheduled, and overconsumed with “busy” that I once knew. I never thought my new season of life could be so simple and constant. I apologize to all you “working 9 to 5 and beyond” mamas and papas and singles out there who have no idea what I’m talking about. I was you. I could never relate to anything that related to having moments to spare in any of my days.

Even though my schedule, my workload, and my responsibilities have changed, you and I have something in common. We have “constants”. And, particularly, this One – that when all else fails, when life gets busier and harder and changes occur that upset the “apple carts” of our plans, we can always count on this ONE constant that will remain unchanged. I can assure you it’s God’s faithfulness that provides the fixed point that gives us hope for tomorrow and peace for today — no matter what our schedules are like or what the storms of life may deliver to us!

What are the “constants” in your life? “Constant” means persistent, regularly recurring, unchanging, steadfast, loyal, and faithful. The only REAL “constant”, in any season of life, is that our loving Father God is ALWAYS with us. He is never distracted by the many pressing needs in this world, and we are not ever out of His line of sight. And in a world where unfaithfulness seems to reign supreme, God’s faithfulness is our constant. In life, when winds come to knock us off our feet, God is there to pick us up and assure us that He is with us and He will be our firm foundation, strong tower, solid rock — that will NEVER change.

This scripture assures us of His consistency – His constancy. “Where can I go from Your Spirit? Where can I flee from Your presence? If I go up to the heavens, You are there; if I make my bed in the depths, You are there. If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there Your hand will guide me. Your right hand will hold me fast.” Psalm 139:7-10

The constants in my daily routine I mentioned above can change when I go out of town or when a grandchild or friends come to visit me or someone needs my help. But, there are two constants – never-changing in my life. One is Me (I can’t get away from me — I’m always with me) and Father God. I am blessed to know I am never alone. I acknowledge the real fact that I will never be without Him and His presence.

Maybe you’re in a panic of so much to do on your “to do” list today. Or, maybe you feel all alone and desperate today. Trust me. You, and all you have to do, and you, who could use a friend — God is there with you. He’s standing at your heart’s door and knocking — desiring to team up with you today. He desires to be the CONSTANT in your life. He is simply waiting for the invitation to come in. Go ahead. Acknowledge Him. Welcome Him. He is your Friend and Savior – a very PRESENT help in times of need. He’ll always accept the invitation.

Let’s boldly make this claim: “God is my all-sufficient resource, my instant, constant and abundant supply. He is as immediately available as the air I breathe. The moment a need arises in my life, God’s infinite abundance is available to me. Thanks be to God!”