My Deep Well is Overflowing

My Deep Well is Overflowing

May 15, 2022 Off By Donna Wuerch

Friday night, I was a panel of one for a “Girls Night Out” event at church. It was to be a 19-minute “Talk with Nana”. Me being a widow and me having a vast storage of content inside me needing to be released, meant I had to withhold so much inside me. Some of that overflow from “my well”, had to keep my responses to a minimum. Oh, but I could have still been responding till today had they let me.

Bryson, my youngest grandson, and I were talking about a tsunami and the devastation that it can cause. Then he asks me: “What is it that you can’t live without, but it can also kill you?” My “thinker” kicked in and I said: “WATER!” He pondered out loud: “Wonder what it feels like to be drowning?” Me: “Well, have you ever been stuck underwater and couldn’t get a breath?” Without hesitation, Bryson replies: “Oh, yes, it’s called brothers!”

Water. Can’t live without it. But, not respecting water’s dangers, some don’t live with it. I remember an outing with our two oldest grandsons, when my husband and I, in our two-man kayak, were pulled into a water current under a fallen tree. The kayak flipped over top of me, and I was stuck under the water. I saw my life go before me when my husband flipped the kayak off me. The need for water and the perils of water.

This blog is moving toward a different kind of water. Natural water doesn’t grant us peace and joy in this life, as well as eternal life. Jesus brought a whole new meaning to water that is essential to our spiritual man.

In John 4:5-42, Jesus meets a Samaritan woman at Jacob’s well. Jesus said to her: “Whoever drinks of this water will thirst again.” He was referring to the water in the well. But to the woman and to you and me, Jesus tells us where the real, true fountain of “youth” is found. It is the joy and peace that springs up from within. Jesus said, “Whoever drinks of the water that I shall give, you will never thirst. The water that I shall give will become a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life.” Jesus calls the water that He gives living water.

We put so much emphasis on keeping things clean in our homes. We wash everything: our clothes, dishes, hands, bodies. It’s not enough that it gets purified at the water treatment plant, it must be filtered and purified again.

Do we give as much attention to the cleansing and purifying of our souls as we do to our bodies and our homes? Perhaps your well is represented by your church or a small group or even in your daily devotions. Those are the places to go to encounter Christ and drink of the living water of the Holy Spirit. Nothing compares to drinking at the springs of living water that only Jesus can provide!

THAT “Living Water” that Jesus promised the woman at the well, could not be held in. She became an evangelist of Jesus when she ran to tell others about Him. “Many of the Samaritans from that town believed in Him because of the woman’s testimony.” (John 4:39-42)

Jesus stands at the doors of our hearts, offering to us these “living waters”. “If ANYONE is thirsty, let him come to ME and drink.” The first requirement is thirst. And, that thirst, is what we bring to our relationship with God. Drinking that LIVING WATER means aligning with Him, trusting Him, receiving, and believing in Him. When we believe, we open our hearts to receive what His grace offers. I urge you today…”Come on in…..THE WATER IS FINE!”