Okay! I’m Done. Winter Can Be Over.
Winter is one of my favorite seasons. I look forward to its arrival every year. Cozy fire in the fireplace, wrapping up in a blankie, hot coffee (well, that’s any time of the year). The practical truth — no yard maintenance costs and utility bills go way down. I love the excuse “It’s too cold outside to go to the gym!” I think it’s somewhat of a grizzly bear’s mentality — time to hibernate!
I still love everything winter has to offer — but now it’s February and I’m done. My all-things-winter mentality is replaced with “Let’s get this show, rather Spring, on the road”! I’m ready to get amped up and motivated for my healthier eating and getting this young body moving and grooving. Old things passed away — behold, all things brand new!
I’d like to say that “old things passed away” for the two “slacker” trees that aren’t aware that autumn came and went. They’re still holding onto their dead leaves. Just like many of us who are holding onto the “dead” things of the past. “Time to let it go!” In spite of their resistance to letting them go, still, on Saturday, my brain was done with staying inside. I headed outside and raked the leaves that still blanketed my yard. Four bags full. I’ll admit. It was refreshing. Neighbors stopped to visit. Lot’s of sunshine Vitamin D on me in all of that nature. And, my start in getting this body moving and grooving. I’m even heading out for a morning walk this morning!
My engine is revving up for the glorious time of the year that is soon to come. The cold, dark, somber days of winter are almost over. Soon the dormant earth will give way to new life. Maybe I’m experiencing birthing pangs for the Babe Who was born in the manger to make His appearance on Easter morning — the celebration and remembrance of Christ’s sacrifice and power over death. Had it not been for Christ’s birth and subsequently His death, and resurrection, we would have no reason to celebrate anything. We would live in darkness forever. But because of His gift to us, we have the promise of new life. Welcome, new life. Welcome, bright Light of the world.
Light of the world, You stepped down into darkness, opened my eyes let me see. Beauty that made this heart adore You. Hope of a life spent with You.
And here I am to worship
Here I am to bow down
Here I am to say that you’re my God
You’re altogether lovely
Altogether worthy
Altogether wonderful to me.