Older in Years and Wisdom Teaching the Younger
Fishing Diary – Day 2. Maybe I skipped over Day 1 – that’s because half the day was driving to our destination in the rain and when we made it to our Lower Fork fishing hole — it was pouring down rain the rest of the day. Still about three fish were caught, but we threw in the towel – rather we used the towel to dry off to get on with the birthday man’s celebration. In honor of his 20th in 2020, we ate our traditional fried gator, fried pickles, and the big finale was pizza and Nana’s Chocolate Cake, opening presents and playing the fun game of Chameleon!
Fishing Diary Day 2 – I woke up the crew at 5:45 because it was a clear, beautiful morning. I knew they would want to spend the entire day doing what they do best! And, yes, the fishing did not disappoint. We clearly have plenty of rainbow trout for tonight’s annual beer-battered fish fry.

What impressed me the most about this day was the inspiring moments of watching the older in wisdom and years training the younger the best techniques for trout-fishing and trout fileting. We have a couple of rookies on board with us – and it’s a joy to see them learning from the pros (my kiddos). Then, I watched a dad with his young daughter (about 6 years old), after having caught about six trout, fileting his catch with her watching. He was showing her what was in the fish’s tummy. She showed no girlie-girl yuck, but leaned in to hear everything her daddy was showing her. “Let’s see what’s in the fish’s tummy! See, he eats food that goes in his tummy like our food does.” I commended him and his little girl. He went on to say that he’s teaching his daughter that when others say “Girls can’t do that!” – she’ll know – oh, yes she can! Way to go, Dad!

I’m thinking that this training others is right at the heart of Jesus. He kept showing the disciples how to live out everything He was doing, showing them the right techniques, the wisdom and all they needed to ensure they were able to be the BEST fishers of men and women!
We all learned our best fishing skills years ago from Papa and he learned them from old fishermen. They were happy to tell their favorite fishing tips–the best spots to fish, what to fish with, (the best bait), how to hold the rod and reel that causes the fish to chase after the lure, and how to fillet and cook the fish. The older taught the younger. Now I’m watching Larry, Staci, Payton, and this wonderful father with his little girl, pass on wisdom!

Thinking back on those disciples who weren’t fishing as a sport or a fish-for-a-day fishing excursion. Fishing was what they had been doing to make a living. So, when Jesus came walking by the seaside and said to them, “Follow Me and I will show you how to fish for people”, they followed. What an attraction Jesus had to those who wanted what he had. When the disciples followed Jesus’ instructions (John 20:6), they caught so many fish that the net could not be brought in. That great catch of fish gave the disciples a foretaste of what God was going to do through them as “fishers of men.”
So, today, I’m carrying “fishing” to another level of training for you and me. Any wisdom, understanding, knowledge, and abilities that we may possess – especially as a follower of Christ — shouldn’t we be the ones who demonstrate in actions and words to the younger in years and the younger in wisdom – the beauty of being a Christ-follower? Just imagine the possibilities of what God could do for us if we will faithfully follow Him! Are you ready to do some fishing? Grab your pole. Get your tackle ready. Set some priority time aside. Follow Jesus to the river and expect a great catch! “Come follow Me and I will make you fishers of men.” (Matthew 4:19)