Tag: follow me

Just a Jesus Follower

“Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ.”– The Apostle Paul (1 Corinthians 11:1) I was one of those non-conversational, shy, withdrawn, and lacking self-confidence, kind-of-girl. I had big faith, but little output. I kept my faith to myself. The main reason? The fear of rejection. Sure, I’d invite friends to church with…

By Donna Wuerch July 7, 2019 Off

I’m a Fisher-Woman

When my Austin family asked what I wanted for my birthday, I didn’t hem-haw around like I usually do: “Your love is all the gift I want!” But this milestone year, I went in for the jugular: I asked for all 13 of us to be together!” And did they ever comply! Then they asked…

By Donna Wuerch September 10, 2018 Off

This Season May Be About “Ministry”

Following God’s lead, looks like this for me for a few days (see photos). I’m here in Austin on a “ministry” call to see after my youngest grandson for a couple of days before his big brother gets home from camp up in Seattle, and then we’ll have Nana/Bryson/Brennan fun for a couple of days…

By Donna Wuerch July 15, 2017 Off