Only a Walking Stick will be Needed

Only a Walking Stick will be Needed

June 8, 2021 Off By Donna Wuerch

See these photos of me with my walking stick? This was at Epiphany Ranch in Rusk, TX where my children are laying the ground-work (literally) for the future location for a retreat center and homes built for restoring people’s lives. This day, we were dedicating the property to God for His use and our commitment to see the vision become reality. My walking stick sure came in handy as I traversed the hills, valleys, and streams!

But, my walking stick tales didn’t begin here. My 14-year-old grandson, Bryson, last year, wanted me to see Reimer’s Park (over 2,400 acres of wildlife refuge, mountain bike trails, hiking canyon and epic descending and ascending caverns trails, that run alongside the Pedernales River.) I assure you, the primitive and beyond-magnificent, rocky canyons and climbing walls, waterfalls, mammoth trees, and foliage are a sight to behold. That is, IF – you’re not so focused on trying to stay upright and not falling and breaking something important. The sheer drop-offs have handhold chains bolted to the cliff help in the most treacherous area. Bryson was beyond patient with me, helping me manage the rough terrain. But then, AHA! I had an epiphany! All I needed was a walking stick to help me maneuver. Bryson was up to the task to find me one. And there was the big tree limb on the ground. Perfect! What confidence a walking stick can bring! I’ll admit it. I’m not at all ashamed, at this season of life, to say when I need help, and I needed help. And if that day wasn’t excitement enough, we went again the next day. This time I maneuvered with more confidence with my walking stick. I was proud of myself that I ventured out beyond my comfort zone that resulted in memories that will last a lifetime.

Then fast forward a couple of months when I went with my Larry and Staci to Red River, New Mexico for a great experience with their new RV. What fun it was to meet up with my childhood cousins there. And with the various terrains we crossed in walks and traversing various areas, they bought me a beautiful and real walking stick. It sure came in handy again when l had my walking stick in hand at Epiphany Ranch. In fact, even the younger crowd were wishing for a walking stick like mine.

This blog today is from me running across this scripture. In Mark 6:7-13, Jesus answered them (His disciples) to take nothing for the journey but a walking stick; no food, no sack, no money in their belts. So why take a walking stick? That resonated with me because of my own walking stick. Apparently, walking sticks were necessary for the terrain that the disciples were about to encounter. So, if the disciples had one piece of equipment for their journey, I’m not ashamed of mine!

Maybe Jesus wanted the disciples to depend on nothing but Him – that He wanted them to see that all they needed was Jesus. He was completely confident. He was telling His followers to live fully trusting in God with the gifts and supplies that He had given them. And maybe it’s our life too! Maybe all we need are our “walking sticks” of talents the Lord has given us. Think about your “walking sticks”. What has the Lord done for you in your life and what gifts and talents has He blessed you with? Let’s ask God what our “walking stick” is and then let’s go out armed with courage, the love of God, and share how Christ has changed our life, and continues to live in our heart today.

The last of that scripture reading says: “So they went off and preached repentance and drove out many demons and they anointed with oil many who were sick and cured them.” Wow! I sure hope my walking stick provides me with the ability to follow suit!