Only New Chapters in This Book

August 2, 2014 Off By Donna Wuerch Noble

There is so much in store for us today….and the days to come. Why do we insist in continuing to re-read the past chapters of our LIFE book, and wish we’d done things differently, or said words we wish we could take back, or thought “if only”.

It’s time for us to let the past be the past because, there are greater things than we can imagine ahead of us –and there’s a great God walking beside us whose purpose is at work WITHIN US. He is GUIDING our lives with His wisdom and love, and His goodness and mercy are FOLLOWING us all the days of our lives. We just can’t go wrong when we realize our all encompassing, all knowing, and all loving God wants HIS BEST in our lives.

I love the Message Bible’s translation of Ephesians 3:20 “God can do anything, you know — far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams!” So today, let’s start writing the next chapter of our lives — it’s sure to be the chapter that makes OUR book a best seller!!!