Our Assignments
When I think of the word “assignment”, I immediately think of those teachers who gave us assignments to read chapters of a book or an assignment to study for an exam or to write a book report.
Then I think about Tom Cruise as Ethan Hunt in Mission Impossible movies hearing or reading this line: “Your mission/assignment should you choose to accept it….”
Assignment(s). I’ve received many assignments from God in my life – many that involved the care of family members, employment assignments, other assignments that took us from one state to another, to another country and even missions ssignments.
This week, of all times of the year, I am on an assignment. It was an assignment I gave to myself. Last Tuesday the first assignment was to have a Christmas meal and gift exchange at our place with Carl’s family. My/our assignment for ourselves was to buy Christmas gifts for each of his family members.
Then there was meal preparation, typing a number of Christmas questions in a game format, and then my usual “word” with a gift to each one that had sentimental meanings and explanations.
My “assigment” was completed with joy and thanksgiving for such a special time together. My next assignment is tonight when my Wuerch family will join us at our home.
My/Our assignment during this special time of the year paled in comparison to Mary’s assignment. Let’s picture her — engaged to a great guy. Wedding plans in motion. Excitement is building about “the day”! But, then, her dreams are interrupted: “The angel said to her, ‘Do not be afraid, Mary; you have found favor with God. You will conceive and give birth to a son, and you are to call Him Jesus.’” (Luke 1:30-31)
When Mary received this news, she didn’t react in fear or doubt. Instead her reaction was grounded in faith: “‘I am the Lord’s servant,’ Mary answered. ‘May your word to me be fulfilled.’” (Luke 1:38)
Mary responded with confidence because her confidence began with her relationship with God. She built her confidence in Him, not on something that was outside her control. Not on someone, like Joseph. For all she knew, he would leave her once he learned she was pregnant.
Did Mary understand everything God was doing? Unlikely. Or resent what He was doing? Doesn’t appear so. Would others judge her? No doubt they would, but Mary didn’t allow people’s opinions to prevent her from embracing God’s calling, even if she didn’t understand it. The lack of details didn’t impact her confidence in His plans for her life, nor her trust in Him to take care of her.
I am desperately trying to follow Mary’s lead. I’m learning that confidence built on people or positions is a confidence built on unsolid ground. Someone, something or some place will let us all down at some point. When we build our confidence on Christ when difficult times come, our foundation will be firm in Him.
The Lord uses “assignments” to faithfully bring us to a place where our gifts will grow. We should always know, just like He was to Mary, the Lord is always faithful.
Hebrews 10:35-36, “So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what He has promised.”.
This was so well said, Donna. Encouraging, insightful and a challenge. Appreciate the reaffirmation of WHO we put our trust and faith and Hope in. I have to check myself too many times about thinking about what people think or wanting their approval,
Thank you for your spiritual insight and reminding me that Christ is ALL I need love you
Thank you so much, dear Julie, for your kind words and encouragement. God bless you and yours with multiplied blessings. I appreciate your friendship so much!