Our Blind Spot
My husband is stoked about his new Subaru Outback for more reasons than one. His 2018 Chevrolet Impala was suffering a slow death. One thing after another needed repair and rather than taking it into the car “hospital”, he decided to sell it. AutoNation saw it and all the good things about it (it still looked new except for a few scratches) and bought the car at a price above what Carl had expected. Thanks be to God!
Now, his sweet ride is this pearly white sports Outback with more gadgets and add-ons than we could shake a stick at! He drove his new car home like a kid in a candy store. The only challenge was he couldn’t figure out some of the wonders of invention it had on it. So, the next day, he drove back to the dealership for car training. Now, he’s a whiz at everything!
As we were driving to church on Sunday, he was taking pride in the extra stay-put windows in front of the automatic side windows. Not only could he see the extra light that indicated a car approaching on the side of him, but he also used that window to ensure his blind spot wasn’t blind!
We all have blind spots. Those are the natural tendencies that we tell fibs about ourselves. We believe our feelings, though our feelings aren’t always accurate. We believe our thoughts, though our thoughts aren’t always telling us the truth.
That’s because we all have blind spots aka attitudes and weaknesses we don’t see or refuse to see even though they cause conflicts in our hearts and with others.
So how can we see beyond our self-weaknesses to the truth? There are some simple ways we can eliminate our blind spots. First, we can pray the prayer of Job: “Teach me what I cannot see; if I have done wrong, I will not do so again” (Job 34:32).
Then, after we’ve asked God for help, we ask a trusted friend or family member for help. God puts people in our lives to help us see things we don’t see. They help us see our blind spots like we help them with theirs. Proverbs 12:15 says, “Fools think their own way is right, but the wise listen to others.” When we think we can work on ourselves, by ourselves, we have a blind spot. The wise seek help from the wise.
Then, we ask Jesus to change us. The Bible says the truth will set us free. So, the closer we are to Jesus, the more our lives will be filled with the truth. That means we’re going to be walking in the light of God’s truth that helps us see ourselves as we should be.
Jesus said in John 9:39, “I have come into the world to give sight to those who are spiritually blind and to show those who think they see that they are blind.” He wasn’t talking about physical blindness. He was saying, “I’ve come to earth to help you see your blind spots and to help you get your sight so that you can see yourself as you really are.”
God can deliver us from our blind spots. May we seek Him for a deep cleansing and healing. The TRUTH will set us free!