Our Divine Palindrome

Our Divine Palindrome

July 26, 2022 Off By Donna Wuerch

Sunday, the 24th, was my son’s birthday. Thanks to all who helped me celebrate him here on FB. That morning, we were text messaging our birthday wishes to Ryan within our family group. His son, Barrett aka Bear, sent him this message: “Happy birthday, Dad! The big 55! It’s your once-a-decade palindrome year!”

I didn’t recognize the word: palindrome. So, I researched. A palindrome is a word or words or numbers that read the same forwards and backwards like “pop, LOL, bob, level, deed, mom, dad, sis, etc.”.

A palindrome year is one when the digits are the same in reverse like 1881, 1991, and 2002. I’ve made it through two of those years! And now, I know that it is a palindrome and get a little giddy when my digital clock hits a magical number like 12:21 or 10:01 or 5:05.

The inquiring mind that I have dug a little deeper. Do you know the only proper name in the New Testament that is a palindrome? Hint: It is a woman’s name. One associated with baby Jesus and the temple. It is Anna, the prophetess who prophesied when the 40-day-old baby Jesus was brought to the temple.

I’m getting wordy these days. I enjoy my daily fix of “Wordle” the New York Times word game, but now another “word” door has opened to me. I think I’ll be watching and listening for palindromes.

Right here among us is a palindrome: Hannah, our Bear’s girlfriend, And, Hannah, in the Old Testament, was the mother of Samuel, the Jewish judge. She was childless until she prayed for a son and promised to dedicate him to God. Her prayers were answered.

I am sure you’re wondering where I am going with my fixation on “palindrome” It is another aha moment that God gave me for another blog. He always shows up for me when my inquiring mind is curious and starts to inquire.

Did you know that God is a fan of palindromes? The way we come to God is the same way that God comes to us. God comes to us in Jesus. See the palindrome there? Us-Jesus-God, God-Jesus-Us.

In the Old Testament, people longed to see God face to face. But Scripture is clear: a mortal can not look at a holy God and expect to live (Genesis 32:30). Yet in His radical grace, God did not leave us alone and wishing for connection with Him. Instead, He sent us a divine “palindrome”: Jesus, Who mediates between us and the Father.

Jesus, Who enables us to see the Father’s face and not die. Jesus, Who takes on our sin so we can stand in the presence of perfection. Jesus, Who intercedes on our behalf before a holy God.

This is the gospel — the good news that our sins are laid on Christ and His righteousness is laid on us, and this great exchange becomes ours not by works but by faith alone. “By grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast.” (Ephesians 2:8-9)

Let’s not dare miss this priceless and rare gift – this divine palindrome that allows us to come into the presence of LOVE Himself!