Our Divine Security Patrol

Our Divine Security Patrol

September 17, 2024 0 By Donna Wuerch Noble

In a world filled with uncertainty, we are constantly reminded of how fragile life can be. By now, you probably know that last Sunday there was another attempt on President Trump’s life. Lord, have mercy!

It was another chilling reminder that no one, no matter how powerful or protected, is immune to danger. That’s why we best be placing our trust in He Who is our ultimate security provider.

Amidst headlines like these, we find comfort in knowing that our ultimate security doesn’t come from man-made walls or human protection. It comes from God alone.

The entire chapter of Psalm 121 reminds us that the Lord watches over us. “The Lord is your keeper; the Lord is your shade at your right hand.” This powerful verse paints a vivid picture of God standing beside us, watching over every step we take. No political figure, security detail, or worldly power can match the strength of God’s protection. He is the ultimate Guardian of our souls.

While it’s easy to get caught up in fear or anxiety when we hear news like this, God calls us to place our trust in Him. I pick up every penny I see on the ground because I am reminded that on it are these words: “In God We Trust”!

The truth is, there is no situation, no plot, and no threat that God cannot handle. But security in God isn’t just about physical safety –it’s about the peace that comes from knowing He holds us, body and soul, in His hands.

Whether in the highest office of the land or the smallest corner of the earth, we are covered by His love and grace. As we continue to pray for our leaders and the safety of our nation, let us also remember to rest in the divine assurance that God is our refuge, and His protection is eternal.