Overshadow Me, Lord!
It’s almost incomprehensible, isn’t it? A virgin conceived a child –not just any child, but the very Son of God. The Holy Spirit, the same creative force that whispered galaxies into existence, overshadowed Mary. And in that sacred moment, the Creator of the universe knit Himself together in her womb.
God became man, and His name is Jesus. But here’s the part that truly leaves me awestruck — the same Holy Spirit that overshadowed Mary now dwells in every believer. Yes, you read that right. That same Spirit is alive and active in you and me. Let that sink in for a moment.
If that’s true (and it is!), what does it mean for how we live our lives? It means that when we walk into a room, we don’t just show up — we bring the light of God’s presence with us. Not because of who we are, but because of WHO He is in us.
Think about it: the same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead — lives in us! If Mary, a young woman with no social status and nothing extraordinary about her life, could say “yes” and become part of God’s plan to change the world, what might He do through us when we say yes?
This Christmas, let’s stop being weighed down by self-doubt or the lie that we’re “not enough.” Instead, let’s lean into the truth that His Spirit is more than enough. When we allow Him to overshadow us, He can use us to bring hope, joy, and peace — not just during the holiday season, but all year long.
So, how about it? Ready to step into a room as a carrier of His love and light? Let’s pray, “Overshadow me, Lord,” and get ready to watch Him work. Who knows? This could be the year you become a world-changer or history-maker. After all, He’s got a track record for doing incredible things through ordinary people.
And that, my friends, is what makes Christmas more than a season — it’s a call to be overshadowed by Holy Spirit and His mighty power!