Owning Up to Our Authority
We’re still navigating our way with Jesus when He was in and out of places after His resurrection. He served up fried fish for His disciples by a campfire as they came to Him from their fishing boat.
Jesus gave plenty of opportunities for witnesses to see Him alive and well AFTER He came back to life at His resurrection. Those witnesses assured us that He is alive. His resurrection Is about us taking hold of His promises and His authority.
At the end of a marriage ceremony, we’ll hear words used by clergy, judge or officiant: “By the authority vested in me, I now pronounce you…..husband and wife!” They are saying they are vested with an authority that is higher than their own. Whether it’s a federal or state law, they are acting in the authority that has been given to them.
My dear friend who works with me at the family center, has taken hold of that authority. She has given over 175 hours of her time to a friend who was diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer. She drives her friend to medical appointments, stays with her during treatments and speaks life into her.
A few days ago, at her friend’s routine check-up, she heard the doctor say: “The four tumors are no longer active!” Her friend goes to church with her now. My friend realized her authority in Christ by praying and speaking healing words to her friend.
When Peter prayed for the beggar to walk, he said: “I have no silver and gold, but WHAT I DO HAVE I give to you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise and walk!” He was acting on behalf of a higher authority – Jesus Christ. He had been commissioned by Jesus.
Peter believed in that power because he had witnessed Jesus speaking and saying: “WHOEVER believes in me will do the works that I do and will do greater ones than these.” (John 14:12)
We, too, have been commissioned by Jesus. As God’s “elect”, sold-out believers in our Lord and Savior, we too have been given that authority with the words from Jesus: “Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations.” (Matthew 2:19)
We can call on the name of Jesus – that is above every other name! It is mightier than any other name. It is the name to which all of creation must bow. (Philippians 2:9-10)
Mountains in your life today? Let’s take authority over them by remembering Who is in our corner and Who has given us the authority to say: “Mountains, move out of my way!”
By the power vested in me, through Christ our Lord, I speak the name of Jesus over you, today! In your hurting, in your sorrow, in your weakness, I ask our God to move. Mountains, MOVE! In the mighty name of Jesus, the name above all names, we conquer. We win!