Magnify — to Make Larger

Magnify — to Make Larger Is it just me, or have you also been noticing that the fine print on bottles and cosmetics has gotten smaller? It’s common for me to pull out my trusty magnifying glass to make those words larger. My word of the day, and my personal word for this year is…

By Donna Wuerch January 4, 2018 Off

My 2018……and Beyond — Resolutions

My Word of the Day is Resolution: a firm determination to do something, and not change it. Doesn’t that make sense? Maybe that’s why so many fail at “resolutions”. We want a short term fix. A goal has an end date. A resolution is unending. One of my “goals” with an end date of on…

By Donna Wuerch January 3, 2018 Off

I Waved Farewell to the Past

The Word of the Day: PAST — no longer existing. Remember the Von Trapp Family in the “Sound of Music” singing “So long, farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, good-bye”? That’s what I did on New Year’s Eve.” The PAST is now the PAST. And, what a way to say farewell than in a predominately African American crowd…

By Donna Wuerch January 2, 2018 Off

Thinking Back and Looking Forward

It’s the 365th day of 2017. I made it!!! 365 days of posting a positive word for my FB friends and family. After all, there’s enough negativity in social media with politics (Phew – what a year that’s been!), the weather, the economy, the relationships or disappointments many vent about. Once upon a time, I…

By Donna Wuerch December 31, 2017 Off

Greater Things Shall You Do

I walked in the door of the Wuerch’s home and there came my youngest grandson to me — not running — but riding (standing up) on his hoverboard — with perfect balance and agility. I remembered the one he had a couple of years ago — more of a starter version. This one has lights,…

By Donna Wuerch December 27, 2017 Off

Does Santa Reflect How You Feel Today?

This Norman Rockwell painting shows a worn-out Santa on December 26th — and, like Santa, if all that’s left of Christmas for us — frazzled, exhausted, a bulging credit card balance, an over-full, bulging tummy, then we missed the true meaning of Christmas. I’ll admit that after all the activities that surround this beautiful season,…

By Donna Wuerch December 26, 2017 Off