Leaving Behind Faith Footprints

On Thursday, a dear uncle graduated to heaven and, of course, thoughts go to the precious memories we made together, as well as the legacy and the footprints he left for us to follow. He was a beautiful soul, but most impactful, was his last year and a half where he lovingly, tenderly and devotedly…

By Donna Wuerch Noble April 13, 2014 Off

Lion + Bear + Big Dude = Promotion

I posted about David and his Giant, yesterday! Just wanted to add….a P.S. to that post! David DID win that epic battle with Goliath, but God had prepared him in the trenches, in the “small” things. David was faithful to fulfill his responsibilities. David did anything God asked him to do. When he faced the…

By Donna Wuerch Noble April 12, 2014 Off

We Will, We Will Rock You

Have you ever felt like your circumstances were looming over you like a huge GIANT who was fierce, beyond your capability, bigger than life, and he was throwing every negative word of doubt and unbelief, imaginable, your way — taunting, harassing, smack talking — and, your faith was challenged like crazy? If that sounds like…

By Donna Wuerch Noble April 12, 2014 Off

Count It All Joy!

Ever seen a baby that was laughing and so full of joy, that you were just magnetically drawn to him / her? You may have remarked, “What a joyful baby!” Of course they are, they have no worries, no concerns, all their needs are met, and they just live in their own world of comfort…

By Donna Wuerch Noble April 8, 2014 Off

Faith in God’s Faithfulness

I’m a really strong chick — not because life has been easy….I just got stronger with each challenge that came my way! As we get stronger, the struggles in life, that once were difficult — are now a piece of cake. And no matter what our struggles are, God will never let it be too…

By Donna Wuerch Noble April 7, 2014 Off

Can You Hear Me Now?

“Heaven to earth calling! Can you hear ME now? “Good morning/afternoon… this is God. I will be handling all of your problems today. I won’t need your help. So, have a great day, and P.S. I love you….I’ve got this!” Whew — what a relief that is! I don’t have to worry or fret about…

By Donna Wuerch Noble April 6, 2014 Off

You Are Living Stones

I have a birds-eye view from my office window, of the house being built across the street from me (pictured here). It’s really quite amazing how – just a couple of weeks ago – there was just a vacant lot. It is gradually becoming a home that will soon have happy occupants inside. For the…

By Donna Wuerch Noble April 4, 2014 Off