STOP…..and Smell the Roses!!!

Yesterday, I stopped by a garden center to check out some trees for my yard. The aroma of the Spring flowers was overwheming when I walked in! Immediately, I thought “I need to get some flowers!” Those fragrant, fresh smells almost led me astray because the nursery rep told me, for Tulsa, it’s still too…

By Donna Wuerch Noble April 3, 2014 Off

Gratitude = Love, Peace, Hope & Joy

In June, I’ll travel to Seattle to be a part of my 2nd oldest grandson’s high school graduation celebrations. I’m so excited. I love being out there with my family. It’s always a time of watching my grandchildren perform in their music and sports activities, going on hikes, having parties, playing games, and having so…

By Donna Wuerch Noble April 3, 2014 Off

Mr. Do BEE

Who remembers the TV Show, “Romper Room”? I’m sure you “under forties” don’t – but it was one of my childhood favorites – many moons ago – LOL! And, on the show, I remember Mr. Do-Bee, an oversized bumblebee who gave good manners tips. He would say something like: “Do Bee good boys and girls…

By Donna Wuerch Noble April 1, 2014 Off

We are No Surprise to God

Did you know that you, and your circumstances, are no surprise to God? It took me a while to get that, but, now that I know that, it’s how I roll these days. Maybe it’s a pain in a place where we never had a pain before, a flat tire, a friend’s call for help,…

By Donna Wuerch Noble April 1, 2014 Off

Break Free of That Cocoon

I’ve been through some painful seasons when it felt like God had a deaf ear to my heart cries. The seasons of financial concerns, children’s illnesses, broken relationships, disappointments, family deaths – including, my own precious husband’s passing. I was in the cocoon during those times – going through what seemed to be, personal death,…

By Donna Wuerch Noble April 1, 2014 Off

Life = Risk

“If you’ve never failed…’ve never lived!” I’ll never forget “the big one” that my husband and I “bet the farm” on. It was our BIG RISK — we were going to become wealthy because of our investment in the drilling of an oil well. My husband and our young son, Ryan, stayed at the oil…

By Donna Wuerch Noble April 1, 2014 Off

Mama’s Got Game

This Mama’s “Got Game”! When someone says that about me, it means “She’s NOT just a fan watching from the sidelines or the stands -– she’s in the game, playing on the field, and not only hitting the ball – but knocking it out of the ballpark (well, at least in my imagination).” And I’ve…

By Donna Wuerch Noble April 1, 2014 Off

What’s Your Excuse?

“All the world is full of suffering. It is also full of overcoming.” — Helen Keller Those excuses….. “Just too tired”, “Bad hair day”, “Couldn’t find a thing to wear”, “It’s just too hard”, “I’ve tried that and it just doesn’t work for me”, “It’s just too far to go”, “I can’t”, “I’m too old”,…

By Donna Wuerch Noble April 1, 2014 Off

You are FABulous!

Just a little reminder….just in case you don’t like what you see in the mirror — there is really only one opinion that matters…..and if God sees you FABULOUS & BEAUTIFUL ….then you are FABULOUS & BEAUTIFUL indeed! We ARE beautiful because God says we are — “PERIOD.” When we walk in that kind of…

By Donna Wuerch Noble March 26, 2014 Off