Living With No Regrets!!

That’s my new motto! In the last year, I’ve come to realize how important it is to live each day to its fullest – on purpose – making the most of the moments, the hours and the days that God gives me! We’ve all made statements like, “I wish had done this or I wish…

By Donna Wuerch Noble April 15, 2011 Off

Our Family Legacy Lives On!!

Just four and a half months ago, my Honey went home to heaven. On April 4th, my big brother joined him. I’m sure my Honey gave him a guided tour beyond compare. Let me introduce you to my big brother – Roscoe Owen Wheat, Jr., better known to everyone as “Rocky”. Twenty-two years older than…

By Donna Wuerch Noble April 11, 2011 Off

MARCH…..Forward: We’re On Assignment!!!

Here we are – already into the month of March! Time is literally MARCH-ing forward, and so are we! Picture a platoon of soldiers, marching….they don’t march backward….they march forward! Whether they are at their home base moving from one post to another, or are on the battlefield….they are on assignment and they will not…

By Donna Wuerch Noble March 8, 2011 Off

Teamwork — Hand in Hand – Side by Side

Many times in life, we find ourselves, hand-in-hand and side-by-side with others on similar faith journeys. Yesterday, Shannon, a precious friend, wife and mother of three young children passed from this life to heaven. I am compelled to share about her because she was such a part of our own Faith Journey. Several years ago,…

By Donna Wuerch Noble February 13, 2011 Off

RE-Membering is Part of the Journey

Re-membering: To recall to the mind; think of again; to retain in the memory; to remind; to recollect. It’s just past the two-month mark since my Honey graduated to heaven. We continually remember him. We talk about him, the “ways he did things”, his little quirks and his many abilities. Someone will tell us about…

By Donna Wuerch Noble January 29, 2011 Off

No Pain…..No Gain!!

Having been a “Weight Watcher” for 24 years, I checked in this week for my monthly weigh-in. Never have I seen such a long line at Weight Watchers. Some were holding their new applications to get started, and others were like me, there for our accountability to a pact we made with ourselves – striving…

By Donna Wuerch Noble January 5, 2011 Off