Fighting the Good Fight of Faith!!!
Our faith journey continues to keep us on our toes – endeavoring to be good soldiers with our combat boots on, armored with God’s Word, and completely surrendered to our Commander’s orders. We know there is tremendous value in “fighting cancer” with a good positive attitude and being nutrition-conscious! And we’re definitely doing that. But,…
Our Great Roller Coaster Ride
I’ve always loved the thrill of the craziest, wild rides at amusement parks. Maybe that’s why becoming a private pilot was no big deal for me. So relating our faith journey to a roller coast makes perfect sense. For over 43 years, Ron and I have had ministry opportunities to many people — encouraging them…
What’s Your Family’s Medical History?
We’ve been seeing a lot of medical doctors, filling out a lot of medical forms, completing questionaires with questions like “Does your family have history of illness: heart disease? diabetes? cancer? etc.” And, as a matter of fact….there have been cases of those diseases in our family. In a little family discussion last night, we…
2nd Half of our Super Bowl — Game on!
Today, it felt like the “visiting” team (the opposition in our Super Bowl Game) was fierce, beyond our capability, bigger than life — as we received more medical opinions about strategies for moving forward on the quest for my Honey’s wholeness. Today’s physician told us he didn’t feel surgery to remove the kidney was option…
Peace, Be Still
On this incredible faith journey, though we are confident in the good work God is doing in my sweetheart, I’ll admit there have been highs and lows in emotions. Ron, is truly my hero, today, more than all of our yesterdays, as I watch him refuse to succomb to pain, as well as to the…
Our Great Faith Adventure Begins…..
This is Ron, my fit, strong, healthy, optimistic, husband, best friend and lover for over 43 years. And the other one in the photo is me, Donna (aka Mom and Nana — to a wonderful son and daughter and six precious grandchildren). Fast forward to April, 2010…..for the last few weeks our family has had…