Patient and Gentle Persuasion

Patient and Gentle Persuasion

June 16, 2023 Off By Donna Wuerch

Have you ever had someone in your life who is so doggone sweet, kind, and gentle that you wanted to hang with them so that some of that ooey, gooiness of them would rub off on you? I have – and I am still working on the “rub”!

And, then, you find out what that person does for a living, and you wonder “How in the world did they end up with a job like that?” I watched the show, “Tough as Nails” and saw a dainty, always dressed-in-pink, prissy woman whose day job was a dry mason. She competed on the show and could hang with the roughest, toughest guys. I was amazed at her determination and strength.

Then there’s my niece who is beautiful, brilliant, and as gentle, loving and tenderhearted as she could be, yet she steps up in a role that is beyond my comprehension. She is an Assistant District Attorney in the Criminal District Attorney’s Office. She prosecutes felony criminal cases, including cases involving sex offenders, helping protect victims of violence and ensuring that children are in safe homes.

With her gentle personality, how can she be so bold, confident and unafraid of the enemy’s territory? I read this scripture and it certainly applies to her: “A wise, mature person is known for his/her understanding. The more pleasant his/her words, the more persuasive he/she is” (Proverbs 16:21).

Gentleness is persuasive. That is extremely important if you happen to have a law career or even a career in sales. Why? I’ve been around sales long enough to know that no longer does the hard sell work. We no longer respond to a guy yelling at us that he’s got this amazing deal that we can’t live without.

These days, we buy because someone recommended it. Our friends recommend a certain car, movie, or restaurant, and that’s enough to make us want to try it or even buy it. Why? Because their approach was gentle, with no agenda. It’s far more persuasive.

My niece was convincing enough a couple of weeks ago to win a case involving a young child. No wonder. Proverbs 25:15 says, “With patience you can persuade a ruler, and a soft tongue can break bones (of resistance)”.

So if we want to convince a family member or close friend to do something, then we best not go in with the hard sell. Even when people have their guard up, gentle speech will get their attention because gentleness breaks down resistance.

Let’s take this to our homes. As a parent, we have learned that screaming doesn’t work for a stubborn child. Anger or frustration isn’t the goal, but love with gentleness is. The New Century Version translation of Proverbs 25:15 says, “A gentle word can get through to the hard-headed.” I am working on those gentle words, because I know some hardheaded people! Maybe I am one of them! Yikes!

Gentleness is persuasive. I would say that we’re “acting” like wise and mature representatives of Christ when we calm down, think before we speak, take deep breaths, and are gentle, caring, with tenderhearted words that are persuasive.

We are held to higher standards because we are the children of our King of Kings and Lord of Lords. We are not commoners. We are eloquent in our persuasive, gentle, strong, and wisdom-filled words when we call on God for His higher ways that break down the lower ways of others.