Placing our Treasures in God’s Hands

Placing our Treasures in God’s Hands

August 15, 2021 Off By Donna Wuerch

I know families are gearing up for the new school year and all that comes with it: new routines, experiences, and lots of questions – and that’s just on the kids’ side. What about parents who wonder about the safety and protection of their precious ones? I had a “returning-to-school” blog in mind when I received an email from “Life 360” yesterday.

Maybe you don’t know about this app. I didn’t until I moved to Austin. Now all nine of my family here are on this app. We know where each one of us are — at any given time. I saw my granddaughter was at work at her hospital, my son was at the golf course, another grandson was at Gold’s Gym. The rest were at their homes. With Life 360, a parent can set up their child’s school as a place and get an alert when they get there safely.

It really is almost mind-blowing to consider what technology can do to help us with all the pursuits of our daily living. But still there is the “What if?” concerns. I assure you our “360 lives” are covered by our Heavenly Father Who knows all and sees all.

A friend of mind reached out to me last week. “Donna, I am dropping off my daughter this weekend in Lubbock. I have been asking God to give me strength and peace that she will be okay. I know God will be with her but still it’s not easy………” I replied with these words and, hopefully, they’ll help you, too!

“Hey sweet girl! Such exciting AND ominous times (all at the same time!). Not easy to let our children go and put complete trust in God for His oversight. Best news is God understands the letting go’s – He had to let His own Son go to earth. How wonderful it is that our sovereign and all-knowing God knows how we feel. And He doesn’t reprimand us for it. He shows us how to do it. Can you even imagine Moses’ mom having to put him in a basket and letting him go completely? Whew!

Luke 2:52 mentions four areas Jesus grew in as a young boy: “And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and with people.” Our Lord grew wiser, and He physically grew. And so has your daughter. Jesus’ relationship with His Heavenly Father continuously grew and was strengthened. Jesus even gained favor with people who saw Him day to day. I pray that your daughter has grown in her own relationship with God and that she finds friends who have also. I love this simple sentence: “His (Jesus’) mother kept all these things in her heart.” We never see Mary worried and anxious. She pondered about her son, but she didn’t allow her heart to become rattled. And neither should we.

Oh to be like Mary — turning our anxious thoughts into treasured prayers that our children are kept safe and held fast by our loving Father — the One who knows our hearts and loves our children even more than we do. When a concern pops up in our mind, we carry that concern to God. When we start to fear for our child’s future, we petition the One who knows what the future holds.

Philippians 4:6-7, “Don’t worry about anything, but in everything, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving; let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses every thought, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.”

That peace is what you strive for, and you do that by keeping your mind on the Prince of Peace, our Lord. Isaiah 26:3 says “He will keep in perfect and constant peace, whose mind is stayed upon Me.” You have an option — to choose the way of worry, fear, concern and be miserable or being optimistic, faith-filled, and peace-filled as a powerful, loving, devoted, prayerful mom who has done her job well!

Heavenly Father, I pray for my friend’s precious daughter that is starting out on a great adventure. We ask that you encourage her and fill her with a strong mind to learn, wisdom for the friends she chooses and your favor with her instructors and anyone who is in her sphere of influence. Protect her, Lord, from the temptations and lies of the enemy. Help her to be a great and trustworthy friend and in turn, that her friends will be faithful, loyal, and true. I pray for my friend that she can turn her concerns and worries into prayers, knowing You are in control. Please help her to treasure these times of watching her beloved daughter become a strong, confident, wise young woman. And that she be determined to be and do her best at whatever she sets her hands and heart to – as she grows in wisdom and stature and favor with others and You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

I love all of you parents. I’ve been there. I know you’ve got this! I look forward to hearing great praise reports along the way!