Preservation Needed Here
Sounds like I’m talking about an old building or canning some fruit or vegetables. Preservation means to keep alive, make lasting, to protect.
We all have an innate desire to do everything we can to make our lives last as long as we can. We know this life doesn’t hold a candle to what awaits us in heaven, but we still desire to hang out on this side a little longer, so we try to eat healthy, stay active and think positively.
I am an early morning riser. I use the excuse of posting my blog early for other early risers to get a kick-start to their day. Truth is I have been an early riser all my life. And, all my life I can get mighty sleepy throughout my day with so little sleep at night. That’s when I’ll take a little nap — even if it is for only ten minutes.
As moms or dads of young children, no doubt, you, too, may long for a little down time for a few minutes of R&R. I think naptime might have been what the Psalmist David meant in Psalm 23: “He makes me lie down in green pastures. He restores my soul.” Aw! I like to call it a “preservation nap”!
It’s okay to take time to just BE. After all, we were created by God to be human BEINGS, not human DOINGS. I am long past raising my family, being their everything, and working outside the home.
Now I am here! ‘Tis so sweet to be in this season. You’ll be here one day, too. Whatever season we are in, for our own good and our preservation – we MUST find time to refuel and get ready for firing up for the next call-of-duty.
But how can we rest when there’s so much to do for God? After all, we are His hands and feet extended. After all, if we don’t go, who will? After all, if we don’t take care of this and that, who will take care of it for us?
Then, loud, and clear comes Isaiah 30:15: “For the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel says: in returning and rest shall you be saved; in quietness and in confidence shall be your strength….”
Little pullovers to the rest areas of our lives can preserve our lives for the long run. I’ve been at this journey of faith long enough to be convinced that in quietness and confidence in God’s faithfulness, we will be renewed and strengthened daily.
Maybe it’s time for a POWER nap – and tap into our POWER SOURCE Who brings us peace and rest – even if it’s only for 10 minutes at a time.