Pretty Flowers or Pesky Weeds?
Day 88 of Photo Inspirations — Pretty Flowers or Pesky Weeds?
These lovely little violet flowers seem to be everywhere this year. They look great as ground cover as we travel along streets and highways. On the other hand, they are overtaking many lawns, and, in actuality — they are weeds — Henbit, to be exact. They lay dormant all winter, then make their presence known in early Spring.
Many of my neighbors already have Spring fever — that are eager to start getting their gardens all prepped for planting flowers, herbs and vegetables. Great gardens don’t grow naturally, but weeds do.
Pulling weeds and planting seeds is the story of life. We are either allowing weeds that need drastic measures to remove from our lives (anger, envy, jealousy, immorality, gossip, complaining, bitterness) and that rob us of energy and the nutrients necessary to grow and flourish the fruit of the Spirit (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, GENTLENESS and self-control).
Pesky weeds squeeze the life out of fruit-producing seedlings. And those pesky weeds have an inate ability to multiply. Remember when we were kids and we loved breaking off the stem of a dandelion that held a cluster of seeds? A breeze or a puff of air would instantly launch a jillion of those tiny, angel-hair parachutes. But, soon we learned that those wind-born villains would cause dandelions everywhere. And, that’s the way it is with just one weed growing freely in our lives. One weed can spread to be a full ground cover of weeds.
Don’t you wish we had some high-powered super duper weed herbicide for ridding our yards of weeds — but even more so….the ability to help us instantly eradicate weeds from our lives? The reality is that all soil has weed seeds. Lives do too. What you and I need is a personal visit from the Master Gardener and His heavenly hoe. Why don’t we ask Him to visit our gardens today, and do some fresh cultivation of the soil in our hearts? Once we do, we can count on a bumper crop of the Fruit of the Spirit that gives us the harvest we have been believing for.