Sacred Moments at the Well
Every morning, I’m up and at ‘em by 4:30 am. It’s a must to look over the text of my blog one more time before I hit the “post” button.
I’m like clock-work with my daily deliveries – on FB, my Google blogger page and MyPeaceZone.com. I always feel like I’m “reporting for duty” each morning. I check in with Heaven Central with this blog, then soon after I am reading my devotional book and writing in my journal. It’s my morning ritual — my time with God. Our time to be together.
I get to be with Jesus. What will He show me today? How will today’s walk and talk with Him affect me and those I’ve been called to encourage? I don’t want to miss a single thing in God’s Word that could make a significant difference in someone’s day.
I don’t want where I am at any given moment to distract me so much that I miss the opportunity to offer someone a cup of my Lord’s living water. Hanging out at the well is one thing — but not drawing from the well the “living water” to pass on to others is a huge mistake.
It is the same “living water” that Jesus gave to the Samaritan woman. (John 4:4–42) That water He offered her would cause her to never thirst again. I also meet Him at the “well”, and each day I am filled with joy, peace, comfort, hope, and strength.
And like the Samaritan woman, I go and tell via my daily posts. I share with others about this Man Who not only promised her and me that He would be our everything, He promised He would be our Truth, our Way, our Life. Many Samaritans from that city believed in Him because of the woman’s testimony.
I sincerely desire that others believe in Him because of my testimony too! This is the Jesus that prompts me each morning to share His Good News. I like to think that my eyes and heart open when I am seeking Him for yet another blog to pass along. He daily ignites a fire in my soul to share His Good News.
May we all wake up every day saying, “Good Morning Jesus,” and embrace the desire to spend time with Him, discovering His truths, and rejoicing in His promises and then be a spokesperson on His behalf.
And in those quiet moments as we read through the pages of our Bible, may we pray that our eyes are opened to see Him more clearly and hear Him more distinctly.
So, won’t you join me at this well that never runs dry? We fill our cups up with His living water and then we can’t help ourselves but to offer this living water to others.
What if our goal each day is to be a wellspring of joy and gratitude as we “go and tell” about this Man who quenched our thirst and, gave us love like we’ve never known before. See you later. I am headed to the well right now!
What a Blessing your writing is to me. You have no way of knowing how many times your words have made a difference in this woman’s life. I thank God for you daily.
Thank you so so much! Your words encourage me to keep on keeping on. Thanks be to God! May God fill you daily with His great peace! Much love and blessings to you and yours!