She Saw Me and My Life Was Changed Forever
This world is filled with those who are looking everywhere to find something or someone to satisfy their emptiness inside. It makes sense because inside of everyone is a God-shaped place that only He can satisfy. That void was filled in my life many years ago when I ran into His arms that were open wide to me. Arms that were replicated by a sweet camp counselor who wrapped her arms around me and told me how much God loves me and invited me to ask Jesus to come into my heart and life. She saw me and my life was changed forever.
Today, my life gives testament to the fact that God’s amazing grace can fill every nook and cranny of our lives. That’s how I can celebrate each day with joy and peace. I am never alone because He is with me wherever I go. He sees me. Like my camp counselor, the Apostle Paul also knew the power of seeing others — not just who they were, but who they could be. Paul understood the transforming power of Jesus, which made him the perfect ambassador to share God’s love and light everywhere he went.
My mother-in-law’s name is Lydia which means “worshipper of God”. Mom and I read the “Lydia” story in the Bible on her birthday last week. As Paul passed through Macedonia, he took time to SEE Lydia and her friends sitting by the river. Lydia was a successful business owner, selling purple cloth. But it didn’t fill the void she had in her life as she searched for spiritual purpose and potential. All the connections and money couldn’t satisfy her need for love and belonging.
That day on the riverbank everything changed. Paul, Silas and Luke, three ambassadors of God cared about His lost children. I expect they were kind and gentle in their demeanor. I can imagine they smiled and made eye contact that said: “I see you. You matter. You are not alone.” They stopped. Sat. Shared. Unintimidated by the fact that not one single person for miles around believed in Jesus Christ. Not one. One of God’s lost girls was found! “… the Lord opened Lydia’s heart to respond to Paul’s message” (Acts 16:14). She listened, and her heart was opened to the Good News of Jesus. Just like me!
Because Paul and his friends looked outward from their busy lives and really saw Lydia, she received a new life in Christ. In fact, she was the first European convert in all of history. Today, all over Europe, Lydia’s spiritual descendants praise the name of the ONE who notices every lost daughter and son.
What about you and me? How often do we look up and really notice the people God places in our lives? How might we break out of our comfort zone and SEE others? We might be the difference between someone being lost and being found.
Dear God, please give us Your eyes and heart to SEE the lost and show them Jesus and His love. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.