Sign Me Up for a Fruit Inspection!

Sign Me Up for a Fruit Inspection!

October 5, 2024 0 By Donna Wuerch Noble

I must be very careful with my words today because I cringe with the thought that I could sound judgmental. I am adamant in my position which I think is obvious for Who I follow — our Abundant Life Provider (John 10:10).

Maybe I’m naive because I assume that those I hang out with follow my set of values, principles and God’s ways according to His Word. But, shock and awe! Not everyone sees my way of thinking! How can it be?

Such was the case when a friend expressed that she is the opposite and anti-most everything else I stand for. I could have been knocked over with a gentle breeze. At first I thought I’d provide a list of reasons for my position, but then I thought “What would Jesus do?”

Immediately the Fruit of the Spirit — the qualities that I want “fruitful” in my life, came to mind. So, I expressed my love and that “our politics and persuasions” don’t make a difference in that love.

Here’s what I know. I know we shouldn’t judge others, lest we be judged (Matthew 7:1-3). But, I figure it’s quite alright to inspect the fruit in my own life and be my own “fruit inspector”. I can judge me.

Matthew 7:20 says “Therefore, by their fruit you will recognize them.” WOW! That’s how we’re recognized as devoted followers of Christ, or not. By our “fruit”. So as fruit inspectors, first, we need to pass the test on the fruit we, ourselves, are bearing. It will be obvious, not by judging, but by inspecting where people are by the fruit they bear also.

It is “fruit bearing” season. “The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.” (Galatians 5:22-23) I’m checking out the “freshness” of my own fruit even as I type this blog.

As we experience the Holy Spirit’s work in our lives, those beautiful attributes and characteristics of the FRUIT of the Holy Spirit will thrive and flourish in our lives. As believers, we know Holy Spirit is in us so we already have the good soil, fertilizer, nutrients and everything else we need for a bumper crop of good fruit!

With all the unrest in our world and the craziness of politics, we can still find mixed-in times of thanksgiving and gratitude. It’s the perfect time to settle down to be drawn into a place of intimacy with God and inspect the good or bad fruit we may be bearing.

Perhaps, self-fruit-introspection is what will make us true “Fruit of the Spirit” fruit bearers that cause others to desire that fruit in their own lives, too. Lord, let it be!