Singing Our Faith
My mama had a way of getting through the toughest days — she sang her faith. Whether she was caring for my sick daddy or guiding me, her songs were like prayers set to melody. They carried her through sleepless nights and busy days, reminding me that singing is one of the purest ways to connect with God.
The Bible has much to say about singing. Psalm 147:7 urges us to “Sing out your thanks to Him; sing praises to our God.” Few things bring us into God’s presence more quickly than lifting our voices in praise.
And here’s the beauty of it: we don’t have to be a Grammy-winning vocalists. The Bible doesn’t demand perfection, just joy! Goodness! I’ve even heard pigs make joyful oinking noises when they eat. If they can do it, surely, we can too!
Christianity is a singing faith. There are more songs about Jesus Christ than anything or anyone else, even love. Isn’t that remarkable? Singing isn’t just an emotional outlet; it’s a spiritual necessity.
That’s why being part of a local church matters so much. It’s not just about soaking in sermons. A healthy Christian life requires both the Word and the expression of worship through music.
I love that our church has a 55-member choir and full orchestra! You’ll see me raising my hands in worship and even clapping to the beat!
I’ve learned that the moments when I least feel like singing are the moments, I needed it most. When my life seems overwhelming, singing thanks to God renews me.
Sometimes, when life is spinning fast, I’ll turn on my favorite worship songs or turn my Christian radio station on. Before long, my soul begins to shift. A spark of gratitude takes root, and suddenly, I’m not just listening — I’m singing. And I’m thanking God for everything He’s given me.
So here’s my encouragement to you: let your heart sing. Whether it’s in the car, the shower, or with your church family, make a joyful noise to the Lord. Even if it’s off-key, it’s on point for worship. Let’s sing our faith, just like my mama did!