Skin in the Game?
Warren Buffet is one of the best-known investors in the world. As of June 2024, he had a net worth of $135 billion, making him the tenth-richest person in the world.
That wealth started with a $100 investment. Eleven doctors put together over $100K for Buffet to start investing. But because he wanted to show his own commitment, he contributed $100 to the fund. He called that “skin in the game”.
How about our God? Didn’t He have “skin in the game” when He sent His beloved Son to earth to demonstrate His love for us? And each believer, with our skin and bones, make up the Body of Christ.
Before going to the Family Center on Wednesday, in our prayer time before heading out into our day, I prayed that I might be the hands and feet of Jesus. I prayed for divine encounters so that I might pray for someone.
Three individuals gave me an open door to ask if I could pray with them. Each welcomed the prayer. And one, a coworker, came back with the answer to our prayers in a matter of a couple of hours (pictured here). Oh how God impresses me with His faithfulness!

By giving love in tangible ways to others and in giving encouragement and hope to those who need “just a word” that helps them push forward, and in opening our hearts and in wrapping our arms around someone who needs a warm touch – we are being Jesus “with skin on”.
God still walks the earth in the flesh of you and me. We can be God’s ear for them, God’s touch, and God’s comfort. Knowing that I have a “God with skin on” in those around me, magnifies my appreciation for those people in my life.
When a friend listens to me, Christ is there listening. When friends offer us a meal at their home, Christ is there cooking. When a friend “likes” and/or comments on my blog with encouragement, Christ is encouraging me. Each action we take gives God skin. Let’s be the Body of Christ today — ”with skin on”!
Let’s put some “skin” in the game today – as the Body of Christ “with skin on”!
“Christ has no body now but yours. No hands, no feet on earth but yours. Yours are the eyes through which he looks with compassion on this world. Yours are the feet with which He walks to do good. Yours are the hands through which He blesses all the world. Yours are the hands, yours are the feet, yours are the eyes, you are His body. Christ has no body now on earth but yours.”
― St. Teresa of Avila