Step into Spring
Spring begins today, March 19, 2024. Usually, it’s March 20 or 21, but because it’s a leap year, February gets an extra day. The season moves up a little on the calendar. Either way, the first day of Spring is always a little over a week after daylight saving time.
But, with all that info, it has still felt like Spring long before today. The red bud trees and white dogwood trees have been out in their grand array of beauty for a couple of weeks! Those are the first signs of Spring for me. Our winter here in Austin has been extremely mild. Thanks be to God – no ice or snow this year and I am not complaining!
Aw! New life! And, that new life causes me to step it up with Spring in my steps. SPRING: to move or jump suddenly or rapidly upward or forward, leap, arise and evolve.
Did you ever hear that phrase — a SPRING in your steps? It means we’re walking with a bit of a bounce in our steps, implying that we’re in a good mood or something good has just happened to us.
Ever been weighed down with a heavy situation, and suddenly good news comes, and you felt light as a feather? You were weighed down, then suddenly you had SPRING IN YOUR STEPS!
This time of year, helps with adding spring to our steps and we get a fresh new perspective on life. Spring marks a new beginning. I love that it brings Easter — the celebration of our resurrected Lord!
All of nature is renewed and it reminds me even more of God’s great love for us. Everything starts to come alive with color all around. Isn’t that reason enough to have SPRING in our steps?
Spring in our steps brings a breath of fresh air to those we encounter. We have plenty of reasons for joy and life that should exude from us. We should be like a ray of sunshine because we have good news of our mighty God Who loves and cares for us.
We have some wonderful things in our lives that make us different and because of it, we should have that extra bounce to our gait. GAIT. Heard that word before? It is the pattern that we walk like our pace, speed, or tempo. I desire that my “gait” reflects spring in my step and the joy of the Lord that is my strength to be my gait.
In addition to my gait, I want to be like the birds that come singing in the Spring — singing songs of praise and thanksgiving with a “spring in my step” everyday!
Won’t you join me? With each step, we can bear a striking resemblance of our Creator of Springtime. A big smile planted our our facess and love in our hearts! After all, we KNOW the CREATOR of Springtime. He is our Maker Who made us with “built-in” springs that enables us to always rebound with God’s peace, joy, and love every day!
Got YOUR springs on? Let’s bounce our way into Spring and be reflectors of our Creator Who looks at us and says “That is good. They are good.”