Friday night, after Karen and I had put in a full day of getting Mom’s last things to her home and decorating her room with Christmas décor, I left to go to Mom’s home (just a few miles from Karen’s) where I stay when I’m in Tulsa. It was pitch dark outside in the country where they live. The drive to Mom’s home must be driven with caution because of the denseness of the dark. I turned the corner from their steep hill to the road to Mom’s when all of a sudden, these brighter-than-day lights came up behind me. I wasn’t sure if they were from an emergency vehicle trying to get by me, so I slowed down to let it go by, but, it stayed right on my tail. The next thought was of the time several months ago when, in the daytime, an unmarked vehicle with flashing lights pulled me over. A plain clothes guy came to my door and asked for my driver’s license. I asked for his credentials and as I was picking up my phone to call for back-up, He said “No problem, M’am. Just slow down.” Later, I heard that there were predators in the area who were pulling women driving alone over and “taking advantage of them”.

So, I was extremely concerned as I slowed down and pulled over. On the offense with my phone in hand and acting like I was talking to someone, I told the Tulsa County Police Officer why I didn’t stop for him sooner. He asked for my license and insurance. I asked “Why was I stopped?” He said, “You didn’t come to a complete stop at that stop sign at 33rd and 91st. I’ll be right back with you in a moment”. After several minutes, the officer came back and told me he was just giving me a warning, but “Don’t be like those California drivers who see a STOP sign and roll right on through it. STOP means STOP!” I apologized and thanked him for his service and I recommended that he STOP stopping women driving alone on a dark road like that for a “rolling STOP”. He apologized and said, “Ma’m we’re just trying to keep you and others safe.” As I was on my way, I realized I should have kept driving to the nearby mall where it’s lit up and I could actually see the marked car he was driving. Hindsight is 20/20.