Stretching Time

Stretching Time

May 3, 2023 Off By Donna Wuerch

You know the deal. We stretch our faith and go for it – as in: “Yes, we’re buying a home” or “Yes, I’m changing jobs — the pay is less, but it’s what I love to do.” Or, like my beloved sis and brother-in-law, they are retiring. It’s been a stretch for them to train the couple that will take their place. And, a stretch to think they won’t have the same income coming in. We talked about it and they are TRUSTING God to hold them up while they are stretching their faith to “walk on water”!

Simon Peter said: “Lord, if it’s you, tell me to come to you on the water.” “Come” Jesus said. Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus.” Matthew 22:28-29

I wonder why in the world Peter desired to walk on water? Scripture doesn’t tell us what motivated him, but I have always wondered why. We know he was impulsive. Remember him cutting the soldier’s ear off? Yikes! That could be part of the reason he stepped out of the boat. It’s interesting that before he stepped out of the boat, he first asked Jesus, “….tell me to come to you on the water.” And Jesus said, “Come!”

Peter now had a command from Jesus and his faith assured him that Jesus would enable him to fulfill the command, so he got out of the boat and walked on the water. That showed Peter that Jesus was faithful: If Jesus said “come,” Jesus would enable him to walk on the water to come to him.

The first lesson in this story is to trust the Lord when He gives us a command, even if it seems as frightening as walking on turbulent water. At least Peter had the courage to step out of the boat because he trusted Jesus.

Just as Peter trusted Jesus to do the impossible, we can also trust Jesus to do the impossible in our lives. Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible” (Matthew 19:26).

It’s that first step that holds many of us back. But, it is time for us to get out of our comfort zones. Sometimes God has a way of shaking things up around us to make us so uncomfortable that we will strive to move from where we are, to the next level of our destiny.

We might be facing storms and adversities today. God could be allowing them to push us out of the boat and into the deep, so He can bless us with a new level of faith and maturity and blessings!

It is time to live with “no regrets” and for us to learn to let go of our fears and insecurities, and to reach out for life at its fullest.

Peter took his eyes off Jesus and so do we. Could it be that Jesus is saying “Come” to us today? A miracle could be in our reach. May we STRETCH our faith in the Way Maker, Miracle Worker, Promise Keeper, Light in the Darkness – our God today.

Even if we fall, as Peter did, Jesus is always there to reach out and help us get our balance again! And, by the way, our Lifeguard walks on water — so no need to worry or fret!