Peace. Be Still.
Troubled in your heart and soul today? Wondering how you can solve this problem or circumstance or make that hard decision? Perhaps, today, it’s time to slow down and let your mind rest and trust in the Peace-Maker! Remember Jesus saying the words “Peace. Be still!” to the winds and the waves? “Then He arose…
NO Fear Here — 365 Days this Year!
We just came out of the season when “no fear” is a hot topic. Mary, Joseph, and the shepherds were told: “No fear!” Most every day I talk to or hear about someone who is afraid or anxious. The trust is we have plenty to be concerned and worried about. Of course, we long to…
Hard Decisions Don’t Come With a Flip of a Coin
We sat in a parking lot, staring blankly ahead with the doctor’s words still ringing in our ears. “Immediately, go for a CT scan so we can see how far the cancer has spread. This is a life or death situation.” We were stunned despite the signs and the pain my husband had been in…